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CPA’s Carbon Pricing and Article 6 Workshop and REdiCAP

22 July 2024|Event

The Carbon Pricing in the America (CPA), in collaboration with the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) for Latin America and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), is thrilled to present its first CPA’s Carbon Pricing and Article 6 Workshop and REdiCAP.

This five-day training will be conducted at ECLAC's facilities in Santiago de Chile, from July 22nd to 26th, 2024. It is funded by ECLAC with support from Euroclima, and the CIACA Project, which is implemented by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat through its RCCs.

This first edition of the CPA Knowledge-Sharing and Hands-on Training will bring together CPA members, observers and partners, to overview the different carbon pricing instruments such as carbon taxes, with a particular focus on the implementation of an Emission Training System (ETS). Recognizing the significance of carbon pricing as a policy tool for incentivizing greenhouse gas emissions reduction and facilitating the achievement of countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the training will shed light on the pivotal role of ETS in the climate policy mixes of numerous jurisdictions. It will particularly highlight the growing interest among emerging economies and developing countries in taking steps towards developing such systems and expanding global emissions coverage.

The event presents an exceptional opportunity also to host the Regional Dialogue on Carbon Pricing (REdiCAP), aimed at sharing practical experiences and insights gained from the implementation of carbon pricing instruments. This initiative aligns with the broader global effort to promote carbon pricing as a crucial tool for addressing climate change. It draws upon key lessons learned from the UNFCCC Secretariat’s Collaborative Instruments for Ambitious Climate Action (CiACA) initiative, emphasizing the effectiveness of regional exchange of experiences from both national and subnational perspectives. Furthermore, the event will aim to demystify Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, offering insights into its opportunities, challenges, participation requirements and implications. We hope that this first edition will live up to your expectations and lay the foundations to deepen the knowledge acquired in future editions of our Knowledge-Sharing Training.

22 Jul 2024

  • Introduction

    09:00 to 10:00

    Welcoming remarks
    o Carlos De Miguel, Chief of the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, ECLAC (5 min)
    o Maisa Rojas, Minister of the Environment of Chile (10 min)
    o Fabiana Rodrigues, UNFCCC RCC Latin America (5 min)
    o Ewout Sandker, Head of Cooperation EU-Delegation Chile (5 min)
    o Myriam Savard-Lajeunesse, Quebec Bogota Office (3 min)
    o Javier Martínez, CPA Co-Chair, Panama (3 min)

  • Overview of Carbon Pricing Instruments: A Latin American Perspective

    10:00 to 10:30

    o Jimy Ferrer, Economic Affairs Officer, ECLAC.

  • Leveraging Carbon Pricing Policies for NDC achievement and progression

    10:30 to 11:00

    o Laura Lasso De La Vega, UNFCCC RCC Latin America
    This session will introduce the importance of mobilizing both domestic and international sources of finance, including from the private sector and how well-designed carbon pricing policies support climate ambition under the Paris Agreement and its upcoming 2025 NDCs (NDC 3.0) with due consideration of national circumstances and priorities.

  • Presentation of the State and Trends of Carbon Pricing in other regions

    11:00 to 11:20

    o Marlen Goerner (World Bank – PMI)

  • Introducing the participants

    11:35 to 11:55

    o Dorsa Sabet-Rasekh - CPA Secretariat

  • Intro to Carbon Pricing & ETS: Comparing different carbon pricing instruments and looking at design elements of an ETS

    11:55 to 13:15

    o Marlen Goerner (World Bank – PMI - Global)
    o Víctor Alejandro Ortiz Rivera (ICAP - ETS)
    This session will provide an introduction to the concept of compliance carbon pricing and the different types of carbon pricing instruments as well as its connection to Article 6. It will also provide an introduction to the design elements typical in the design and implementation of an ETS.

  • Interactive activity - Getting to know the CPA members

    14:30 to 14:45

    o Dorsa Sabet-Rasekh - CPA Secretariat

  • Defining the scope and the coverage of an ETS

    14:45 to 16:15

    o Andrés Felipe Olarte Peña (ICAP)
    o Katie Gibbs, Canada, Carbon Market Bureau
    o Alise Karcevska, Head of UK ETS International Cooperation
    o Ishtar Ali, Head of UK ETS Free Allocation
    Some of the decisions that jurisdictions need to make early in the process of implementing an ETS revolve around which economic sectors to cover and which greenhouse gases to cover. This session will discuss the practical implications of making these decisions.

  • Setting the cap: managing supply, and demand in an ETS

    16:30 to 18:00

    o Andrés Felipe Olarte Peña (ICAP)
    o Katie Gibbs, Canada, Carbon Market Bureau
    o Alise Karcevska, Head of UK ETS International Cooperation
    o Ishtar Ali, Head of UK ETS Free Allocation
    Some of the decisions that jurisdictions need to make early in the process of implementing an ETS revolve around which economic sectors to cover and which greenhouse gases to cover. This session will discuss the practical implications of making these decisions.

23 Jul 2024

  • Administration of an ETS

    09:30 to 11:00

    Developing an MRV system for the ETS - Data collection, processes, and enforcement.
    o Amanda Luna, Carbon Trust
    o Juan Pablo Rodríguez, Chile

    An MRV system constitutes the backbone of an ETS. This session will discuss the objectives that an MRV system seeks to achieve, the infrastructure that is required, the actors that are involved and the mechanisms to ensure compliance.

  • Allocating allowances in an ETS: Options, implications, and experience

    11:30 to 13:15

    o Victor Alejandro Ortiz Rivera, ICAP
    o Jean-Yves Benoit, Québec
    o Alise Karcevska, Head of UK ETS International Cooperation
    o Ishtar Ali, Head of UK ETS Free Allocation

    The session will discuss different mechanisms to distribute the carbon budget under the ETS: either for free or through auction. The session will also discuss the practical needs to develop each allocation mechanism.

  • Interactive activity - Getting to know the CPA members

    14:30 to 14:45

    o Dorsa Sabet-Rasekh - CPA Secretariat

  • Market infrastructure: registries, auctioning platforms, building blocks, market dynamics (actors, players) roles

    14:45 to 16:15

    o Andrés Felipe Olarte Peña (ICAP)
    o María Montoya (WCI, Inc.)

    This session will provide an overview of the different elements of infrastructure required for the implementation of an ETS (such as a registry to track the ownership and the transaction of allowances) and the actors involved (such as financial intermediaries).

  • “Ask me anything”. Strengthening the knowledge so far: Insights from the theory and the practice.

    16:30 to 18:00

    o Víctor Alejandro Ortiz Rivera (ICAP)
    o Andrés Felipe Olarte Peña (ICAP)
    o Marlen Goerner (World Bank – PMI)
    o Diana Guzmán, SEMARNAT, México (Virtual Participation**)
    o Suriel Islas, SEMARNAT, México (Virtual Participation**)
    o Martín Aguilar, SEMARNAT, México 
    In this session, participants will discuss in groups the theoretical learnings that they have received so far. The experts will be available to answer questions, as well as to go more in depth into the topics that require more discussion.