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Virtual seminar towards the implementation of the Strategic Framework on Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters in the Americas

4 August 2020|Event

This webinar attempts to convene national representatives from diverse sectors that contribute in the geospatial response to disasters – national geospatial agencies, national statistics offices, risk and disaster management organizations, and many other representatives from the public, academic and private sectors related to the topic.


The main objectives of this regional encounter are to:

  1. Disseminate the Strategic Framework for Disasters, including its five Priorities for Action, to a wide spectrum of institutional actors linked to the management of geospatial and statistical information, together with organizations in charge of risk reduction and disaster management at the national level.
  2. Sharing national good practices related to the five Priorities for Action of the Strategic Framework for Disasters, referring to governance, capacity building, data management, use of technology platforms and resource mobilization.
  3. Provide an overview on how the IGIF supports the Strategic Framework for Disasters. In particular, it will be demonstrated how the five Priorities for Action of the Strategic Framework for Disasters are linked to, and enabled by, the nine Strategic Pathways of the IGIF.
  4. Provide a space for regional discussion on the way to move forward in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Disasters and its five Priorities of Action at country level, with the support of the IGIF Implementation Guide – the detailed Guide for implementing the nine Strategic Pathways of the IGIF.
  5. Encourage member states to complete the online Assessment tool developed for the Strategic Framework for Disasters, towards determining their level of readiness and the identification of areas where support is needed.

4 Aug 2020

  • Bienvenida / Welcome

    11:00 to 11:10

    ▪ Paloma Merodio, Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / President, UN-GGIM: Americas
    ▪ Rolando Ocampo, Director de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / Director, ECLAC Statistics Division

  • Global perspectives

    11:10 to 11:40

    » Modera / Moderate: Cecille Blake, Secretaría UN-GGIM / UN-GGIM Secretariat

    • Simone Lloyd, Copresidenta Apoyo Grupo de Trabajo en Información y Servicios Geoespaciales para Desastres de UN-GGIM y Gerente Senior de SIG - Rama de Gestión de Datos Geoespaciales Nacionales, Jamaica
      El Marco Estratégico en Información y Servicios Geoespaciales para Desastres
      Rob Deakin, Manager Resilience, Land Information New Zealand & UN-GGIM WG
      Vinculando el Marco Estratégico en Información y Servicios Geoespaciales para Desastres con el IGIF
  • National experiences

    11:40 to 12:10

    » Modera / Moderate: Nouri Sabo, Copresidente del Grupo de Trabajo en Información Geoespacial para Desastres de UN-GGIM Américas / Co-Chair UN-GGIM: Americas Working Group on Geospatial Information for Disasters

    • Alejandro Jiménez, Director del Instituto Geográfico Nacional José Joaquín Hungría Morell / , Director of the National Geographic Institute José Joaquin Hungría Morell
      República Dominicana
      Dehivi Salgado, Subdirector del Instituto Geográfico Militar / Deputy Director of the Military Geographic Institute
      Sergio Cimbaro, Director del Instituto Geográfico Nacional / Director of the National Geographic Institute Argentina
  • IGIF Implementation Guide: Enabling the implementation of the Strategic Framework on Disasters at the country level

    12:10 to 12:25
  • Final discussion

    12:25 to 12:50

    » Modera / Moderate: Simone Lloyd, UN-GGIM / Alvaro Monett, Asesor Regional Geoespacial, CEPAL / Regional Geospatial Advisor, ECLAC

  • Closure

    12:50 to 13:00

    ▪ Paloma Merodio Gómez, Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / President, UN-GGIM: Americas
    ▪ Rolando Ocampo, Director de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / Director, ECLAC Statistics Division