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Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance of the Escazú Agreement

Origin and Nature

The Implementation and Compliance Support Committee is a subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement to promote implementation and support Parties in the implementation of the Agreement. It is a consultative, transparent, non-adversarial, non-judicial and non-punitive body. The Committee is composed of seven members elected by the Conference of the Parties, who serve in their personal capacity.

Regulatory Framework

Structure and composition

The Committee is composed of seven members elected by the Conference of the Parties, who serve in their personal capacity. Members of the Committee must be of high moral character, with recognized competence in access rights or other matters covered by the Agreement, must be nationals or residents of countries in Annex I of the Agreement, and must be independent of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government of such countries. Members are elected for four years and their term of office may be renewed for another four years. However, the terms of office of three of the members elected at the first election shall expire after six years, and they shall be chosen by lot. Further details on the nomination, election and other procedures are available in the Rules of Composition.

The first members of the Committee were elected by Decision II/1 adopted at the second extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP2) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2023, taking into account an equitable geographical distribution of its members, gender parity, and legal expertise and experience. The members of the Committee solemnly declared to perform their duties, in accordance with the Rules of Composition, on August 10, 2023, at ECLAC. Later, at the same venue, they held their first face-to-face session and the Committee elected by consensus Ms. Patricia Madrigal as Chair, and Mr. Andrés Napoli and Ms. Carole Stephens as Vice-Chairs.

Current members

Guillermo Acuña Chile 2023 / 2027
Mariana Blengio Uruguay 2023 / 2027
Rita Joseph-Olivetti Grenada 2023 / 2029
Patricia Madrigal Costa Rica 2023 / 2029
Andrés Napoli Argentina 2023 /2027
Carole Stephens Jamaica 2023 / 2029
Félix Wing Panama 2023 / 2027

Current members


2023 - ROSTER OF CANDIDATES (23 February 2023)

  • According to article II.5 of the Rules relating to the structure and functions of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance, the Presiding Officers prepared the following roster of ten candidates to the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance. This list is composed of five men and five women of ten nationalities from Annex 1 countries of the Agreement. There are three representatives from Central America and Mexico, three from the Caribbean and four from South America. They currently correspond to five States Parties and five non-Parties. From the roster of candidates, the Conference of the Parties shall elect the seven members of the Committee (Numbered in alphabetical order of surnames): 
  1. Acuña, Guillermo Eduardo (Chile)
  2. Blengio Valdés, Mariana (Uruguay)
  3. Born, Rubens Harry (Brazil)
  4. Carrillo Fuentes, Juan Carlos (México)
  5. Joseph-Olivetti, Rita Leonette (Grenada)
  6. Madrigal Cordero, Patricia (Costa Rica)
  7. Mitchell, Gavern Sherva (Trinidad and Tobago)
  8. Napoli, Andrés María (Argentina)
  9. Stephens, Carole Denise Angela (Jamaica)
  10. Wing Solís, Félix (Panamá)


  • Call for nominations 
  • The deadline to present nominations for members of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance of the Escazú Agreement concluded on 15 December 2022 at 11:59 pm Santiago, Chile time. A total of 49 applications from 15 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean were received. Of these, 48 were accepted and one was not accepted for being received after the deadline.The requirements and election process for members are established in the Rules relating to the structure and functions of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance.

Accepted nominations

Rejected nominations