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Governance approaches and practices in Latin America and the Caribbean for transformative change for biodiversity

Publication cover

Governance approaches and practices in Latin America and the Caribbean for transformative change for biodiversity

Author: Catacora-Vargas, Georgina - Tambutti, Marcia - Alvarado, Víctor - Rankovic, Aleksandar Physical Description: 86 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2022 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2022/203


The relevance of biodiversity to global climate, health and social stability has been widely documented; its present state of deterioration and loss is an urgent call to change the way in which we live with species and ecosystems. This leads to a recognition of the importance of reformulating the institutions and various processes associated with biodiversity governance at the subnational, national and global levels that have a negative impact on its conservation and sustainable use. In other words, there is a need to design and implement new forms of governance that facilitate positive transformative changes in the state of the biodiversity and human groups in Socioecologically vulnerable positions.

Table of contents

Overview .-- Executive summary .-- Introduction .-- I. Conceptual framework .-- II. Methodological aspects .-- III. A general overview of governance practices for transformative change for biodiversity .-- IV. Practices in the integrative approach: consistency and effectiveness .-- V. Practices in the inclusive approach: equality, representation and active participation .-- VI. Practices in the informed-process approach: access to information and the integration
of different knowledge systems .-- VII. Practices in the adaptive approach: contextualization, sustainability and resilience .-- VIII. Frequency and qualitative performance of governance practices .-- IX. Strengths and challenges in the implementation of governance approaches
and practices for transformative change for biodiversity .-- X. Recommendations and final remarks.