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América Latina: tablas de mortalidad, 1950-2025 = Latin America: life tables, 1950-2025

Publication cover

América Latina: tablas de mortalidad, 1950-2025 = Latin America: life tables, 1950-2025

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. CELADE Physical Description: 129 páginas. Editorial: CELADE Date: January 1994


The current Bulletin has as objective to publish the implicit death rate in the population projections by sex and age, of the 20 Latin American countries, consequently, it corresponds to an updating of the Demographic Bulletin No. 44, from July 1989. The included death rates in this Bulletin go from the years 1950 to 2025 and within this period two others can be defined: on one hand, the period between 1950 and 1990 which corresponds to estimations elaborated from available sources and, on the other hand, the period between 1990 to 2025
with mortality projections. Furthermore, CELADE also has available population projections, and therefore death rate, for the 2025-2050 period