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The Economics of Climate Change in Central America: Summary 2012

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The Economics of Climate Change in Central America: Summary 2012

Autor institucional: Reino Unido. Department for International Development - SIECA - DANIDA - Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo - NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México Physical Description: 116 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: October 2015 ECLAC symbol: LC/MEX/L.1076


This report was published with the goal of discussing, disseminating and using the results of this initiative in the formulation of national and regional strategies and have been presented at national and regional events with civil servants,
representatives of non-governmental organizations, trade unions, the private sector, universities and research centers. The results have served as inputs in the training of national committees on climate change and negotiating teams, as well as in the preparation of the Regional Climate Change Strategy,
several international financing projects and various national policies. The results have been presented in coordination with the Ministries of Environment at the last three Conferences of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.