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CEPAL Review no.48

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CEPAL Review no.48

Physical Description: 178 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 1992 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.1748-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211211859

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Table of contents

In search of another form of development / Pedro Sáinz and Alfredo Calcagno. -- A new international industrial order / Michael Mortimore. -- European investment in Latin America: an overview / Juan Alberto Fuentes. -- An appraisal of recent intra-industry trade for Latin America / Renato Baumann. -- Industrial policy in Central America / Larry Wilimore. -- Participation and the environment / Tonci Tomic. -- Self-financing water supply and sanitation services / Terence Lee and Andrei Jouravlev. -- The social sciences without planning or revolution? / Martin Hopenhayn. -- Growth and income distribution in countries at intermediate stages of development / Eduardo Sarmiento. -- Monetary policy and an open capital account / Roberto Zahler.