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Broadband in Latin America: Beyond Connectivity

Publication cover

Broadband in Latin America: Beyond Connectivity

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL - Comisión Europea - Diálogo Regional sobre Sociedad de la Información Physical Description: 336 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: April 2013 ECLAC symbol: LC/L.3588 ISBN: 9789211218367


Based on a model of the broadband ecosystem developed by the authors in their 2010 book, Fast-tracking the digital revolution, they now analyse the evolution of this technology in Latin America, assess the economic impacts of its diffusion, propose public policies for its expansion and debate the future of the ecosystem.
The policy analyses and proposals presented in the book focus on national programmes to foster universal broadband access and the debate on Internet neutrality. The study of the current trends highlights the progress of cloud computing and the new developments induced by the entrance of over-the-top operators in the region. This book underscores the need to expand regional and national Internet traffic exchange points (IXP) and the relevance of the increasing demand gap, which poses new challenges beyond those related to access and connectivity.

Table of contents

Foreword. -- First part: diagnosis. I. The shifting digital paradigm in Latin America .-- II. The demand gap: drivers and public policies .-- III. Regional and international connectivity .-- Second Part: Economic impact IV. Broadband, digitization and development .-- V. Mobile broadband: the urgent need for speedier roll-out .-- VI. Cloud computing, structural change and job creation. Third part: Public policies .-- VII. National broadband plans .-- VIII. Broadband and industrial policy: the Korean experience .-- IX. Net neutrality: debate and policies .-- Fourth Part: The future of the ecosystem X. The advance of cloud computing .-- XI. The challenge of over-the-top content and services.