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Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2013: Three decades of uneven and unstable growth

Publication cover

Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2013: Three decades of uneven and unstable growth

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 212 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: August 2013 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2574-P ISBN: 9789211218336


The sixty-fifth edition of Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean covers the two-year period 2012 2013. As in previous editions, the first part examines the recent performance of the economies of the region and the outlook for the current year. The second part discusses long-term aspects of the economic development of Latin America and the Caribbean. Country notes, which look at the economic situation of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean during 2012 and the first half of 2013, may be viewed on the ECLAC webpage ( These notes are published along with a statistical annex, which tracks the main economic indicators. The tables in the statistical annex show, at a glance, data for recent years and can be used to create spreadsheets. The deadline for updating the statistical information in this publication was 30 June 2013.

Table of contents

Part I: The economic situation in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2013. Chapter 1: Regional overview .-- Part II: Three decades of uneven and unstable growth. Chapter 1: Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1980 and 2012: stylized facts. Chapter 2: Income and aggregate demand over the past three decades. Chapter 3: Three decades of labour productivity and structural change. Chapter 4: Macroeconomic policy enhancement and challenges for promoting growth with equality .-- Statistical annex.