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Webinar: Open Science – a blueprint for the university in the 21st century?

27 April 2020|Briefing note

Paul Ayris suggests that Open Science can present blueprints for universities and research organisations in the twenty-first century.

In this second activity of the 'Ciclo de Webinars sobre Ciencia Abierta 2020', organized by the Hernan Santa Cruz Library, Paul Ayris suggests that Open Science can present blueprints for universities and research organisations in the twenty-first century. It begins by presenting a view of Open Science from LERU – the League of European Research Universities. It then chooses 4 of the 8 pillars of Open Science, as defined by the European Commission, looking at models of Best Practice in Open Science from UCL (University College London), one of the top ten research intensive universities in the world. The four areas chosen are: the Future of Scholarly Publishing, Research Data, Promotions/Rewards and Evaluation, and Citizen Science. The presentation ends by looking at plans for future developments, and for making UCL a model of Open Science policy and practice across the globe.

Video recording available in Youtube 

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