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Showing 1481 to 1500 of 1901 results in 96 pages.
11 April 2016 | Briefing note
Representatives from ten countries met to discuss the construction of indicators for identifying how enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean develop their productive processes and link them with environmental aspects.
11 April 2016 | Briefing note
ECLAC publications in Research Papers in Economics database
7 April 2016 | Briefing note
Review the information resources available on this topic
6 April 2016 | Briefing note
During the third meeting of the negotiating committee of the regional agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, that took place in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 5-8 April 2016, Grenada signed on to the Declaration on the application of Principle 10.
4 April 2016 | Briefing note
New database available in the Library
1 de April de 2016 | Briefing note
Martes 5 de abril 2016, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Uruguay
31 de March de 2016 | Briefing note
El libro Retorno en los procesos migratorios de América Latina, conceptos, debates, evidencia, preparado en el marco de la serie Investigaciones (Número 16, 2015) de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población (ALAP) contiene nueve trabajos sobre diversas dimensiones del proceso de retorno, más una introducción de sus editores en que se destacan las múltiples facetas que designa el vocablo.
31 March 2016 | Briefing note
Under the cooperation framework with the subregional office of ECLAC in the Caribbean along with the Caribbean Development Bank and UNFPA subregional office for the Caribbean, a Redatam workshop was organized starting Monday 4th until Friday April 15th in Kingston, Jamaica. Thirteen experts from the national statistics office of Jamaica will participate plus two representatives from the Cayman Islands and two other representatives from St. Kitts and Nevis.
31 de March de 2016 | Briefing note
Durante su visita a República Dominicana, en el marco de la asistencia técnica a ese país para avanzar en el cumplimiento de las Contribuciones Previstas Determinadas a Nivel Nacional (INDC), el Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Climático de la CEPAL manifestó la necesidad de reforzar la INDC y armonizar estas propuestas con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
31 March 2016 | Briefing note
Gathered in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) from 28 to 31 March 2016, on the occasion of the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Ministers and Delegation Leaders reaffirmed that it is essential to promote the complete implementation of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration, in line with the reality and national legislation, for which it becomes fundamental the strengthening of international cooperation and the creation of capacity in the countries of the region.
31 March 2016 | Briefing note
This second meeting of the conference was entitled "Population dynamics at the heart of sustainable development: implementation of the Consensus of Montevideo to overcome inequalities in the framework of human rights" and took place in Mexico City, October 6-9, 2015.
30 de March de 2016 | Briefing note
Como parte del proyecto CEPAL-FIDA sobre cadenas de valor inclusivas en la región, se busca el fortalecimiento de la cadena de turismo en el departamento de la Libertad, El Salvador conectando la denominada Ruta de Sol y Playa con la oferta complementaria en la zona rural de la región.
30 de March de 2016 | Briefing note
Se analizó la cadena de turismo rural en los municipios del Departamento de Sacatepéquez, Guatemala.
29 de March de 2016 | Briefing note
La sede subregional de la CEPAL en México y el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) está estudiando la cadena de valor de snacks saludables de fruta deshidratada a petición del Ministerio de Economía (MINEC)
28 March 2016 | Briefing note
Political economic and security analysis on Latin America and the Caribbean.
22 March 2016 | Briefing note
Review the information resources available on this topic