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The Escazu Agreement Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance will visit Chile

5 September 2024|Briefing note

The Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance, within the framework of its function of consultation and periodic dialogue with the Parties, will visit the Republic of Chile from November 4 to 8, 2024. The visit will be carried out in accordance with the Rules relating to the Structure and Function of the Committee and its Working Modalities, attending to the agenda agreed upon between the Republic of Chile and the Committee.

The Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance (Committee) is a subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement, to promote the implementation and support the Parties in the implementation of the Agreement.

According to the Rules relating to the Structure and Function of the Committee (COP Decision I/3) and its Working Modalities (LC/TS.2024/33), one of the functions of the Committee is to carry out periodic consultations and dialogues with the Parties, in an open, constructive and interactive manner on any matter related to the implementation and compliance of the Agreement, and for this purpose it may visit the territory of the Party with which it enters into dialogue.

Chile will be the first State Party with whom the Committee will exercise this function, and for this purpose the Committee will visit the country from November 4 to 8, 2024, attending to the agenda agreed upon between the Republic of Chile and the Committee.


1. Pollutant release and transfer register covering air, water, soil and subsoil pollutants, as well as materials and waste (PRTR) (Article 7.4 of the Escazú Agreement)

  • Implementation status of article 6.4 of the Escazú Agreement.
  • Knowledge and use by the different interested stakeholders.
  •  Measures to support persons and groups in vulnerable situations.

2. Participation of the public in the decision-making process from the early stages (Article 7.4 of the Escazú Agreement)

  • Early participation in decision-making processes on activities and projects that have or may have a significant impact on the environment, including experiences in the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
  • Early participation in other decision-making processes of public interest, with emphasis on climate change such as the Chilean Strategy for Capacity-Building and Climate Empowerment (EDCE).
  • Measures to support persons and groups in vulnerable situations.

3. Access to justice under Article 8.3 a and b of the Escazú Agreement

  • Access to expertise.
  • Effective procedures that are not prohibitively expensive.
  • Measures to support persons and groups in vulnerable situations.