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ECLAC publishes diagnoses of the provision of drinking water and sewerage services in Panama, El Salvador and Mexico

16 January 2023|Briefing note

Within the framework of the project "Potable Water, Sanitation and Renewable Energies to improve the health conditions of the population and promote productive uses in the most lagging municipalities / territories of El Salvador, Mexico and Panama", ECLAC carried out a diagnosis of the provision of drinking water, sanitation and sewerage services in the project countries.

Within the framework of the project "Potable Water, Sanitation and Renewable Energies to improve the health conditions of the population and promote productive uses in the most lagging municipalities / territories of El Salvador, Mexico and Panama", financed by the United Nations Peace and Development Fund, the Water and Energy Unit publishes diagnoses of the provision of drinking water and sewerage services in Panama, El Salvador and Mexico.

The reports provide an analysis of the situation of the provision of drinking water and sanitation services, including renewable energy for the provision of drinking water and sanitation in the project countries. The socioeconomic situation and regulatory and institutional framework for drinking water and sanitation access were analyzed. In addition, the main actors and initiatives were identified, such as policies, programs and projects, in the matter, as well as the main barriers to achieving full coverage in drinking water and sanitation at the national and municipal levels. In this sense, the report presents a detailed analysis of the energy sources used for drinking water extraction, treatment and distribution.
In the following link you can review the reports (in Spanish):

Diagnóstico de la prestación de los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado en El Salvador

Diagnóstico de la prestación de los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado en México

Diagnóstico de la prestación de los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado en Panamá