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Comments to the draft Working Modalities of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance of the Escazú Agreement

1 February 2024|Briefing note

The Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance of the Escazu Agreement welcomes general or specific comments by the public on its draft Working Modalities.

The Working Modalities are mandated by the Rules relating to the structure and functions of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, Section I (2) adopted by the first Conference of the Parties.

The Working Modalities are an internal document to be approved by the Committee to facilitate the proper exercise of its objectives and functions.

Members of the public may send comments by 29 February 2024.

In particular, the Committee would welcome comments and suggestions on the following provisions of the draft Modalities:

  • Open dialogues with Parties and the public (VI.1)
  • Specific measures for persons and groups in vulnerable situations (VII.46 and 47)
  • Rapid response mechanism (VII.48-50)
  • Guidance to assess fulfillment of admissibility criteria set out in the rules relating the structure of the Committee (VII.23-33)

Comments should be sent to comite.escazu[@], where possible indicating exact language suggestions, the page, line number and the section/paragraph to which they refer.

Thank you for your interest in facilitating the exercise of our functions and achieving our objectives.

Best regards,

Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance
Escazú Agreement