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Action commitments to face the water challenges in LAC by the high-level authorities that participated in the Regional Water Dialogues 2023

13 April 2023|Briefing note

During the Regional Water Dialogues, held in Santiago de Chile between February 1 and 3, water authorities and high-level representatives of LAC governments were interviewed to discover the commitments that countries and institutions are implementing to accelerate SDG 6.

Representatives of the region's countries met and approved the Regional Water Action Agenda at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago last February 2023. This instrument of voluntary commitments outlines the areas of prioritization and necessary efforts to achieve a sustainable and inclusive water transition and accelerate SDG 6 in Latin America and the Caribbean. This outcome was later communicated as the regional voice at the 2023 United Nations Water Conference, which took place in New York in March 2023, within the framework of the "Midterm comprehensive review of the implementation of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development”. In this context, some of the highest-level authorities were interviewed by ECLAC to disseminate the national commitments that the various institutions are promoting.

Below, you can review the links to the interviews conducted (in Spanish):

Félix Ulloa, Vicepresidente de El Salvador

Maisa Rojas, Ministra de Medio Ambiente de Chile

Esteban Valenzuela, Ministro de Agricultura de Chile

Pavel Isa Contreras, Ministro de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo, Rep. Dominicana

Juan Carlos García, Ministro de Obras Públicas de Chile

Erwin Freddy Mamani, Vicecanciller de Bolivia

Aníbal Pérez, Viceministro de Agua y Saneamiento Básico, Colombia

Marissa Castro, Dir. General de Límites, Fronteras y Aguas Internacionales, Bolivia

Liseth Hernández, Secretaria Ejecutiva del Plan Trifinio

Rodolfo Lacayo, Autoridad Nacional del Agua, Nicaragua

We also share the vision and reflection of the Director of the Natural Resources Division, Dr Jeannette Sánchez on the subject:

Jeannette Sánchez, Directora de la División de Recursos Naturales de la CEPA