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Students from ELADES Summer School in the Library

7 September 2022|Briefing note

During the last eight weeks, students from the Latin American School of Development (ELADES) have enjoyed the Hernán Santa Cruz Library’s space and services at ECLAC in Santiago, Chile.

Between July and August 2022, 36 postgraduate students from 15 countries participated in the 23rd version of the study programme Advanced Studies in Latin American Economics. The course is organized annually by the Production, Productivity and Management Division of CEPAL. The young researchers studied materials about structuralist macroeconomics, evolutionary microeconomics and development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Economics student Paula Constante from Brazil shared that she was grateful to have access to the library’s services.

“Studying in the ECLAC Library has been a good experience. The library has many books that are relevant for my PhD thesis. The library space is well organized, as it has a conference room where we can study together and separate desks to study independently."

Fabián Barros, library assistant at the Hernán Santa Cruz Library expressed his appreciation for the students.

"We are happy that the ELADES students use the library space and services for their projects and research. We are pleased to support current and future students with their research," he said.

The Hernán Santa Cruz Library in Santiago, Chile provides services to ECLAC and UN staff, in addition to the general public. Every year the library offers its spaces and services for the ELADES students and facilitates access to a diverse collection of printed and electronic resources, highlighting the richness of ECLAC's historical heritage from 1948 to today. We have an academic guide available for ELADES students with a calendar of classes, activities and teaching materials. The guide is a focal point for students and provides useful information on how to search for academic resources.

We are looking forward to receiving the next group of ELADES students in 2023!