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Panel - Cities: Sustainable mobility as an opportunity for a transformative recovery

24 March 2022|Event

This hybrid event organized by the Human Settlements Unit aimed to provide a space for reflection on the role of urban mobility to achieve more sustainable and inclusive cities.

Ciudades: La movilidad sostenible como una oportunidad para la recuperación transformadora.



The cities of Latin America and the Caribbean are home to 82% of the population of the region. This situation, usually seen as a “problem”, hides the great potential offered by urban demands in providing solutions that improve the quality of life and foster the industrial development in a sustainable way. Currently, mobility has become a highly relevant factor for the quality of life and access to opportunities, for the competitiveness of cities and for the goals of reducing emissions, among other aspects. However, collective public transport, the main mean of locomotion for a sustainable mobility, faces a delicate situation in the region. The service provision model shows signs of exhaustion in addition to a chronic problem of financial sustainability. The transition to low carbon emission solutions, especially electric mobility, is also an important opportunity for the regional industry and a challenge for its high costs and other constraints. Large cities are such important sources of consumption that, in some cases, they would even be able to change the production patrons at the country or city-region level. In particular, the demand for typically urban services such as public transport requires investments in infrastructure and transport equipment that could, by themselves, trigger a series of virtuous effects at the local level. All this requires a necessary coordination of public policy, financing strategies, regulatory aspects, among other elements, to bridge the economic, social and environmental gaps. In short, as in the approach proposed by ECLAC, the Big Push for Sustainability.

Event on the route to the International Habitat Summit for Latin America and the Caribbean 2022.



11:00 – 11:10 Opening of the event

José Luis Samaniego (DDSAH - CEPAL)
Bern Pfannenstein (Cumbre Internacional de Hábitat para América Latina y el Caribe 2022) 
Hugo Isaak (Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, México)

11:10 – 11:25 Thematic introduction

Diego Aulestia (DDSAH - CEPAL)

11:25 – 13:15 Panel 1. Public policy challenges for sustainable mobility (public transport and electric mobility)

Pauline Stockins (DE-CEPAL)
Lautaro Lorenzo (Secretario Ejecutivo Mercociudades)
Edgar Sandoval (Consultor CEPAL) 
Rubén Contreras (DRN-CEPAL)  
Ciro Biderman (Fundação Getulio Vargas)
Andrea Papu Carrone (International Transport Forum OCDE) 

13:30 – 15:30 BREAK

15:30 – 17:15 Panel 2. Productive opportunities and challenges of electric mobility in the region

Moderator:    Andrea Palma (GIZ / Euroclima)

Andrea Laplane (DDPE-CEPAL)
Gabriel González (Presidente Asociación Latinoamericana de Retrofit - Uruguay)  
German Carmona (UNAM/México)
José Javier Gómez (DDSAH-CEPAL) 
Promit Mookherjee (ORF India)

17:15 – 17:30 Closing

Diego Aulestia (DDSAH-CEPAL)
Hector Garcia Curiel (Universidad de Guadalajara)

Practical information


Participants: Face-to-face at the EVI Auditorium, ECLAC, Santiago de Chile / Virtual via zoom

Attendees: Streaming on the ECLAC Cities Channel


Registration for participants:
