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10 Aug 2021 - Key messages and main results of the High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2021 and future milestones of the 2030 Agenda

10 August 2021|Event

This community of practice is an informal space for exchange among peers and sharing of good practices with regards to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in general and the preparation of VNRs in particular; and aims to provide a space to regularly communicate with peers.


Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Navis, Trinidad and Tobago


The specific goal of this session was to address the key messages and main outcomes of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2021, showcasing the experience of Antigua and Barbuda and The Bahamas presenting their VNRs at this year’s HLPF (6-15 July 2021). Moreover, future 2030 Agenda milestones, such as the upcoming SDG Moment during the United Nations General Assembly in September, were presented, while participants engaged in an open discussion towards the end of the session.