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LACCW 2021: Building the Economy of Tomorrow, using NDCs to Inform Green Recovery

11 May 2021|Event

National actions and economy-wide approaches. Discussion on ambitious action in key sectors and how these actions can integrate in national planning and economic packages to enable COVID-19 recovery and support the Paris Agreement


Building the Economy of Tomorrow: Using NDCs to Inform Green Recovery
Building the Economy of Tomorrow: Using NDCs to Inform Green Recovery

As governments take urgent action to address COVID- 19 and its related impacts, the process offers an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate transition to green and resilient economies that keeps warming below 1.5oC, while also advancing the goal of more equitable and inclusive societies. No doubt that COVID-19 also adds complexities to the fight against climate change, increasing structural inequalities and vulnerabilities of societies that are not fully prepared to address global crises. At the same time, a response to the pandemic through large-scale investments to jumpstart economies can provide an opportunity to invest in a cleaner and more resilient future. Under this context, the role of Finance Ministries is fundamental.

The mitigation effort required is -on average- 7.6 percent of global emissions per year before 2030, to be in line with desired scenarios of midcentury net zero emissions. In this context the transformation of socio-economic structures will require careful planning to “address transition to a low carbon and climate-resilient global economy, mitigating climate-related financial risks, and pursuing pathways towards decarbonization” (Minister-Level Meeting - Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action. April 2021)1.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other related climate change plans (e.g. National Adaptation Plans, Long-Term Strategies, 2050 Neutral Pathways) can serve as lighthouse to guide countries’ recovery efforts supporting national policy development fully considering climate related threats. Countries’ climate pledges have already outlined how to transition towards resilient pathways in ways that can help spur economic growth, job creation, using fiscal policies as one of the most powerful tools to combat climate change in line with national development objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mobilizing finance for the implementation of national climate plans, National Determined Contributions (NDCs) or even for Long Term Strategies (LTS) implementation remains one of the most challenging issues as countries grabble with turning their intentions into actions. A major initial step towards this challenge is being able to get a grasp on the domestic financial landscape and expenditures related to climate action. This critical step will help to clarify the national base scenario and engage all relevant players.

In Latin America, countries like Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Honduras, have already embarked on an ambitious journey to determine public expenditures related to climate change and preparing specific climate finance strategies.



Analyze how the initiatives around green recovery, NDC/LTS finance strategies, green budgeting and climate finance tracking are being considered in LAC region. Particularly the session will open a space for discussion on:

  • Sharing regional experiences defining public spending/flows on climate related issues.

  • Sharing regional experiences defining green recovery strategies.

  • Sharing regional experiences green budgeting and inform with success and challenges that the governments have faced

  • Provide/share critical information on how a climate budgeting/spending reviews and monitoring can provide insights on NDCs/LTS implementation strategies and aligned to the sustainable development agenda planning.


1 climate-action

Time Sessions


(10 min)

Opening remarks. Lyes Ferroukhi. Regional Team Leader, Nature, Climate and Energy. Bureau for Policy and Programme Support. UNDP LAC Regional Hub.


Mr Christian Eigen-Zucchi, Coordinator, Coalition Secretariat, World Bank

(60 min)




LAC Ministries of Finance progress towards green budgeting and low carbon and climate- resilient economy.

The session will provide details of ongoing work of climate change public finance in LAC Region. Session will dive into country progress to recovery and growth while accelerating the transition to a low carbon and resilient economy. Particularly is expected to discover how limitations, barriers and issues are being solved withing ongoing work of the ministries of finance in that countries.

Ms. Carolyn Charles-Tonge, Ministry of Finance, Antigua and Barbuda

Ms. Lorena Palomo Parada, Senior Adviser for Trade Policy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Finance.

Laura Ruiz, Adviser, Green Fiscal Economy, Ministry of Finance, Colombia

Paula Suarez, Sherpa of Ecuador to the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action


Q/A 20 minutes


Mr. Gianluca Merlo, Regional Technical Advisor Climate Strategy and Policy. UNDP



(40 min)

Multilateral efforts to support the engagement of MoF to accelerate Climate Action

The session will provide details of ongoing support from institutional partners supporting Ministries of Finance to align their action with Paris Agreement goals and Green Recovery. Particularly on how a green budgeting is being supported (tools, assessments, strategies).

*            OECD (Rodolfo Lacy, Director for the Environment Directorate (TBC) (10 min)


*            IADB (Hilen Gabriela Meirovich, Head of Climate, IDB Invest (TBC) (10 min)

*            ECLAC José Luis Samaniego. Director División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos

 Humanos Comisión Económica para América Latina Y el Caribe. CEPAL (TBC) (10 min) Q/A 10 minutes


(10 minutes)

Conclusions and Closing Remarks (Q/A roundtable)

Opportunity to discuss and consolidate the results of the webinar.

Ana Bucher, LAC Regional Climate Champion, World Bank (10 minutes)


Practical information

Session title: Building the Economy of Tomorrow: Using NDCs to Inform Green Recovery
Date: 11 May 2021.
Time: 12:00-14:00 (GMT-4 AST Dominican Republic time) (120 min)
Session design: Panel.