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Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The future of work in Latin America and the Caribbean: old and new forms of employment and challenges for labour regulation

Publication cover

Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The future of work in Latin America and the Caribbean: old and new forms of employment and challenges for labour regulation

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL - OIT Physical Description: 44 páginas. Editorial: ILO Date: May 2019 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2019/31


This twentieth issue of the joint ECLAC/ILO report analyses a specific issue that is extremely relevant to the relationship between new technologies and decent work. Digital platforms create new job opportunities both locally and in global digital markets. However, these new forms of work are often performed outside existing regulations, denying these workers legally established labour and social rights. A key question is this regard is whether these new forms of work are a new form of wage employment or independent work, or whether the regulatory framework should be adapted, since neither the rules on wage employment nor those on self-employment adequately reflect the characteristics of these jobs.