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Regional approaches to e-government initiatives in the Caribbean

Publication cover

Regional approaches to e-government initiatives in the Caribbean

Author: Williams, Robert Crane - Marius, Michele Physical Description: 59 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean Date: January 2016 ECLAC symbol: LC/CAR/L.483


This paper examines the potential benefits and challenges of regionally managed e-government development initiatives. It examines the current state of e-government in four Caribbean countries – Barbados, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago – in order to establish a broader understanding of the challenges that face e-government initiatives in the region. It also reviews a number of e-government initiatives that have been undertaken through projects managed at a regional level. Based on this analysis, it presents a set of best practices that are recommended to agencies engaged in the task of coordinating the implementation of regionally-based e-government initiatives.

Table of contents

Abstract .-- Introduction .-- I. E-Government in the Caribbean: Barbados, jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago .-- II. Regional initiatives in E-Government .-- III. Key challenges to regional cooperation on e-government projects .-- IV. Recommended practices for implementing regional e-government initiatives .-- V. Conclusion.