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Specialized Workshop on Redatam+SP Latest Imporevements and Multiplatform (Windows and Linux) Version Introduction

20-29 Sep 2005 | Workshop

Continuing supporting national and international institutions in the use of each country's sociodemographic and sectorial information, as well as, in the design and development of web applications for information dissemination, CELADE has organized a specialized workshop on Redatam+SP Latest improvements and multiplatform version launch and invites all advanced users to participate in it.


Idioma del curso Spanish
Face-to-face course

Target audience

Given the specific nature of this Workshop, CELADE invites to participate those whom have been technical counterparts within the National Statistical Offices in the countries of the region, and other advanced users, as well as, experts in xPlan applications and WebServer applications creation.


This workshop has been structured in two main activities: the first one, oriented to show the new functions of the software implemented in the database creation, statistical processing and xPlan application's creation modules. The second activity, oriented to show, use and analyze the Beta version of Redatam under the Linux platform. These activities will be conducted all-around vital statistics database and xPlan applications creation.

Redatam+SP, as its previous versions, is a tool that allows any professional to process, in an easy and fast way, the data from the censuses and other sources, organized in a hierarchical database for any geographical area previously defined by the user. Among the most outstanding characteristics of this last generation version are: its simplicity to manage the system, its speed; the facility for creating and modifying the database within the program; and the possibility to include data in other formats.