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Seminar Will Analyse Plans for New Submarine Cable between Europe and Latin America

27 September 2013|News

The project to build a new submarine cable between Europe and Latin America will be analysed at an international seminar organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI) in Barcelona, Spain.

The seminar Innovation and regulation in ICTs - a comparative view between Europe and Latin America will be held on 30 September and 1 October at the headquarters of the Spanish Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT), and will be attended by authorities, academics and private-sector representatives from the two regions.

The two days will be broadcast live online through this link.

On Monday 30, the event will be opened by Narcís Serra, President of the Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI), Mario Cimoli, Director of the ECLAC Production, Productivity and Management Division, Bernardo Lorenzo, President of the Telecommunications Market Commission  (CMT) and Carles Flamerich, from the Telecommunications and Information Society Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The project for a new Europe-Latin America submarine cable will be presented by Linda Corugedo-Steneberg, Director of the European Commission's DG Connect - D (Cooperation).

The seminar will also include lectures on innovation, regulation and interconnection of information and communications technologies (ICTs), and on the development of broadband.

Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, Spain's Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society, will attend the closing of the event.

Following the seminar, the VII meeting of the Regional Dialogue on Broadband will take place with representatives from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay, who will discuss the steps involved in the submarine cable project and the use of the 450MHz frequency to roll out mobile broadband.

See the seminar agenda here.

The event will be broadcast live online at the following link ://

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