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Seminar on reconciliation of information sources for the measurement of income distribution

12 October 2023|Event

This seminar is held in hybrid format (in-person and virtual) on 12 October 2023, at the ECLAC headquarters. The construction of the household account, distributive accounts and measurement of inequality will be addressed, also incorporating information on the distribution of tax income.

Inequality is one of the outstanding features of Latin American societies and overcoming it is a key challenge for development. Household surveys, the main source for measuring income inequality, may be affected by the lack of information on households with very high incomes, as well as by possible under-reporting of income. As a result, measures of inequality based exclusively on this source of information may underestimate the magnitude of the phenomenon.

To capture income inequality more fully, it is possible to combine information from household surveys with information from income tax records, especially relevant for higher income earners, and with national accounts, which provide a frame of reference on the total amount of national gross income that is distributed to households.

ECLAC Statistics Division implements the project "Inequality: Innovative approaches for examining inequality through integration of different data sources in Latin America and the Caribbean", with the support of the United Nations Development Account (13th tranche). The project addresses the possible integration of income data from household surveys, tax records and national accounts, to produce estimates of income inequality.


  • Review the progress in the incorporation of distributive elements in the SNA 2025
  • Learn about the methodologies to measure inequality by combining data from surveys, tax records and National Accounts
  • Analyze the challenges for the production of household accounts and their timely updating
  • Identify the usefulness of income tax data for measuring inequality
  • Discuss possible areas for improvement

12 Oct 2023

  • Welcome and introduction

    09:00 to 09:15

    - Rolando Ocampo, Director of the Statistics Division of ECLAC

  • Distributive accounts and measurement of inequality

    09:15 to 11:00
    • Alvaro Fuentes, CEPAL
      Brechas conceptuales y cuantitativas entre encuestas y cuentas de hogares
      Jorrit Zwijnenburg, Directorate for Statistics and Data, OECD
      Distributional results in line with National Accounts
      Mark Morgan, World Inequality Lab
      Cuentas nacionales distributivas: Aspectos metodológicos y resultados para América Latina
      Facundo Alvaredo, World Inequality Lab (WIL)
      A brief assessment of the Distributional National Accounts Agenda in Latin America
  • Recent experiences with distributive accounts

    11:20 to 12:20
    • Mariam Alfaro, Banco Central de Costa Rica
      Cuentas nacionales distributivas: Experiencia de Costa Rica
      Ivette Fernández, Banco Central de Chile
      Distribución de la cuenta de Hogares en Chile
  • Construction of the household account

    12:20 to 15:10
    • Susana Kidyba, Experta en cuentas nacionales
      Cuenta de Hogares. Aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos
      José Robles Franco, INEI de Perú
      Cuentas de Hogares: Fuentes, métodos, resultados
      Ángel Pineda, INEGI
      Fuentes y métodos para construir la Cuenta de Hogares en México
  • Uses of administrative and tax records on income

    15:10 to 17:10
    • Ignacio Flores, World InequalityLab (WIL)
      Reconciliando fuentes en la práctica: Problemas, soluciones y más problemas
      María Rosa Cañete & Raymer Díaz, Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo de República Dominicana (MEPYD)
      Retos institucionales y comunicacionales para impulsar el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para la medición de la distribución del ingreso
      Charles Bee & Jonathan Rothbaum, US Census Bureau
      Experimental National Welfare Statistics (NEWS): combining administrative and survey data to improve income and poverty statistics
      Ana Montoya, DANE de Colombia
      Integración de Encuestas con Registros Administrativos