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Promoting Carbon Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean, High Level Regional Dialogue on Carbon Pricing and MRV in the Americas

22 January 2018|Event

This event will facilitate a dialogue between the national and sub national governments of the Americas and other experts on carbon-pricing.

The events will include a High Level policy dialogue (22nd January) and two technical workshops (on 23rd and 24th). The Ministry of the Environment and the CPLC will also be hosting the first meeting of the Platform of Carbon Pricing in the Americas with the participation of national and subnational jurisdictions (January 23). Also, the Ministry of the Environment will be hosting the first a meeting of the Pacific Alliance MRV Working Group (January 24).

These events will bring together public authorities and experts from public and private sectors, from the Americas as well as international experts from California, Canada and Europe, to discuss carbon-pricing and the development of carbon markets in the region.

22 Jan 2018

  • Arrival & Registration

    08:30 to 09:00
  • Welcome & Ministerial Remarks

    09:00 to 09:30
    • Jorge Canals. Vice-Minister of the Environment, Chile
      Joseluis Samaniego, Chief, Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division (SDHS), ECLAC.
      James Close, Director, Climate Change, World Bank
      Patricia Peña, Canadian Ambassador
  • Taking Stock: Experience and Challenges of Implementing Carbon Pricing in the Americas

    09:30 to 10:45
  • Coffee Break

    10:45 to 11:00
  • Taking stock: Carbon-Pricing in national jurisdictions

    11:00 to 12:15
  • Considerations in advancing the carbon pricing agenda: perspectives from private sector

    12:15 to 13:30
    • Moderator Angela Nanue Churie, CPLC Secretariat
      Claudio Seebach, Executive Vice-President, Generadoras de Chile
      Eduardo Piquero, Director Mexico Carbon Platform (MEXICO2), Stock Exchange. Mexico.
      Marina Grossi, Brazil
      Dirk Forrister, President & CEO, IETA
  • Lunch

    13:30 to 14:30
  • Implementing Carbon Pricing Instruments in the Americas

    14:30 to 15:45
  • Carbon Pricing: Technical Implementation and Challenges

    14:30 to 15:45
  • Coffee Break

    15:45 to 16:00
  • High Level Panel

    16:00 to 17:45
    • Moderator: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief, SDHS, ECLAC.
      Marcelo Mena. Minister of the Environment, Chile.
      Andrés Rebolledo, Minister of Energy, Chile
      Carlos B. Gentile – Under Secretary of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Argentina
      Neeraj Prasad, Manager , Carbon Markets & Innovation, World Bank.
      Martin Lajoie, Environment Canada.
  • Conclusions & Closing Remarks

    • James Close, Director, Climate Change, World Bank,
      Marcelo Mena, Minister of the Environment

    18:00 to 20:00

23 Jan 2018

  • Arrival & Registration

    08:30 to 09:00
  • Technical Dialogue: What is MRV? Why MRV & Collaboration Matters for Regional Green Growth

  • Coffee Break

    10:45 to 11:00
  • MRV Landscape & Linkage Building Bloc

  • Market Linkage & Compatibility Building Blocks: MRV, Registries and Practical Experience

    11:00 to 12:15
  • Measuring & Reporting Emissions and Offsets

    12:15 to 13:30
  • -

    13:30 to 13:45
    • Neeraj Prasad, Manager, Carbon Markets & Innovation, World Bank
      Rodrigo Pizarro, Ministry of the Environment, Chile
  • Lunch

    13:45 to 15:00
  • Technical Session: Mitigation through sustainable transport destabilize Chile's Economy, and it's projections towards Latin America

    13:45 to 15:00
    • Facilitator: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief, Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, ECLAC
      Panelist: Rodrigo Andrade, Regional Director NGO Latin American Energy Mining Dialogue, Co Founder Latin American Sustainable Leadership Platform
      Discussant : Luis Miguel Galindo, Climate Change expert
      Questions and Answers
  • Working Group Meeting on Carbon Pricing Platform of the Americas. Convened by Canada, Chile, México and the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC)

    15:00 to 17:45
  • Welcome Remarks: Day 1 Highlights & Day 2 Overview

    • Cristián Franz, Superintendent of the Environment.
      Joseluis Samaniego, Chief, SDHS, ECLAC.
  • Carbon Markets, Bilateral agreements, and MRV

  • Closing Remarks

    17:45 to 18:00