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The Natural Resources Division of ECLAC participates in the first National Meeting on Water in Argentina

11 October 2022|Event

The event was held on October 27 and 28 and had the goal of reviewing the trends and challenges of the drinking water and sanitation sector for the Argentinian country. Likewise, it was a place for inter-institutional linkage and coordination, being organized by different entities that work on the matter at the national and local levels: Argentine Water and Sanitation (AySA), the Greater Buenos Aires Union of Workers in Sanitary Works (SGBATOS), the Ministry of Public Works of Argentina, the National Entity of Water Sanitation Works (ENOHSA) and the Federation of Workers in Sanitary Works (FENTOS).

More than 1,500 people participated in the meeting, including national and international authorities, all with experience in drinking water and sanitation. At the same time, about 50 specialists participated, addressing topics such as the relationship between water and sanitation and public health; water scarcity and climate change; water and gender; the future of employment and digital transformation; technological innovations, water management and policies; as well as water, trade and foreign policy, among others.

ECLAC was present at the Meeting, through the Director of the Natural Resources Division, Jeannette Sánchez, who participated in the Water, Trade and Foreign Policy Panel. Here, she shared ECLAC's vision of water as a vector of development, showing an overview of the drinking water and sanitation sector at the regional level, providing a framework for the event's national discussion. Likewise, she presented a proposal for a water transition that allows promoting a transformative post-pandemic recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean. The above, allowing to draw a roadmap for Argentina in order to achieve basic consensus that promote access to drinking water and sanitation. This, together with strengthening the actors involved and networks that make up the sector.

The panel was moderated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Fernando Cervetto, and included the participation of representatives from various nations. In detail, Corina Lehmann, Member of the Environmental Affairs and Human Development Committee of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI); Fabiana Rorato de Lacerda Prado, Manager of the Brazilian SABESP Research Department; Alexandra Serra, CEO of Aguas de Portugal; in addition to the aforementioned Director of the Natural Resources Division of ECLAC, Jeannette Sánchez. Together with ECLAC, the Panel included the participation and representatives of Argentina, Brazil and Portugal.