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ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC workshop Regional Digital Trade Integration Index (RDTII): findings and implications from Asia-Pacific, Africa, and LAC

22 February 2023|Event


Regional Digital Trade Integration Index (RDTII): findings and implications from Asia-Pacific, Africa, and LAC

Hybrid Meeting, UNCC Meeting Room H and Zoom (By invitation only)
22-24 February 2023


This workshop is based on the joint efforts of three United Nations Regional Commissions (UNRCs), namely ESCAP, ECA and ECLAC, on digital trade regulatory analysis and integration. Its objectives are to build the capacity of the Forum for East Asia and Latin America (FEALAC) and other participating UN member states by familiarizing them with the ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC harmonized methodology for digital trade regulatory analysis and to allow member states to share experiences and learn from each other.
This workshop will present key research findings based on the first joint report of the three UNRCs on Digital Trade Regulatory Review for Asia-Pacific, Africa, and LAC 2023 (RCDTR), followed by an experience-sharing session from the African region. The second day of the workshop will feature a session dedicated to FEALAC and Asia-Pacific countries. The roundtable discussion on 24 February will give the member states opportunities to discuss the RDTII methodology, challenges in data collection, the use of the RDTII in policymaking and technical assistance needs.
The workshop is organized with the support of FEALAC as a side event of the first session of the ESCAP Committee on Trade, Investment, Enterprise and Business Innovation.

Tentative Programme


22 February 2023

Time (GMT+7)

13:00-13:10 hrs.

Introduction to the ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC collaboration on digital trade regulatory analysis
• Mr. Yann Duval, Chief, Trade Policy and Facilitation Section (TPFS), Trade Investment and Innovation Division (TIID), ESCAP


13:10-14:00 hrs.
Launch of ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC Digital Trade Regulatory Report 2023 and the ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC Platform
• Ms. Witada Anukoonwattaka, Economic Affairs Officer, Trade Policy and Facilitation Section (TPFS), TIID, ESCAP
• Mr. Simon Mevel, Economic Affairs Officer, African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC), Regional Integration and Trade Division (RITD), ECA
• Mr. Johan Mulder, Chief, International Trade Unit, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC
• Mr. Henry Gao, Professor of law, SMU
• Mr. Yann Duval, Chief, Trade Policy and Facilitation Section (TPFS), Trade Investment and Innovation Division (TIID), ESCAP


Q&A (15-20 mins)


Break 10-15 minutes


14:15-15:45 hrs.
Digital trade regulatory landscape in Africa

• Mr. Simon Mevel, Economic Affairs Officer, ATPC, RITD, ECA
• Ms. Emmanuelle Bugeau, Consultant, ATPC, RITD, ECA
• Ms. Yasmin Ismail, Programme Officer, CUTS International Geneva
• Mr. Manfred Kouty, WTO Co-Chair, International Relations Institute of Cameroon, University of Yaoundé II
• Ms. Esther Nali, Technical Valuation Officer, Uganda Revenue Authority

• Mr. Talkmore Chidede, Digital Trade Expert, AfCFTA Secretariat (TBC)
• Mr. Tapiwa Ronald Cheuka, Trade Policy Officer, Economic Development, Integration and Trade, African Union Commission


Q&A (15-20 mins)


23 February 2023
Time (GMT+7)

13:00-14:00 hrs.
Digital trade regulatory landscape in FEALAC countries

Introductory presentation of FEALAC (Asia-Pacific) situation analysis
• Ms. Witada Anukoonwattaka, Economic Affairs Officer, Trade Policy and Facilitation Section (TPFS), TIID, ESCAP
Introductory presentation of FEALAC (LAC) situation analysis
• Mr. Johan Mulder, Chief, International Trade Unit, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC (online)
Comparative analysis between Asia-Pacific and LAC FEALAC countries
• Ms. Martina F. Ferracane, ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC consultant, European University Institute (online)
Challenges for LDCs
• Mr. Fandi Achmad, ESCAP consultant, University of Oxford
• Mr. Henry Gao, Professor of law, SMU


Open discussions/ Q&A (15-20 mins)


24 February 2023
Time (GMT+7)

10:00-12:00 hrs.

Roundtable discussion on the RDTII methodology , data collection challenges, expansion of the database, and implications for technical assistance needs

• The UNRCs common methodological framework, and online database platform development
• Experience sharing on data collection challenges, and the use of the information in policymaking
• Opportunities/demands for expansion of data collection to other countries; Technical assistance needs by countries
• Enhancing complementarity and collaboration across indices and databases; partnership opportunities
• Ms. Witada Anukoonwattaka, ESCAP and Mr. Simon Mevel, ECA


13:00-14:00 hrs.
Roundtable discussion (continued as needed)