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ECLAC participates in the "Special Course on Water Governance and Water Security: Territorial Dynamics from Basin to Sea in Transboundary Spaces", organized by the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD)

12 October 2021|Event

The virtual course, with the objective, to train professionals adequate of promoting participatory environmental management and sustainable use of water resources, saw the participation of the Division of Natural Resources of ECLAC through its Water and Energy Unit.

CCAD organized the Special Course on Water Governance and Water Security: Territorial Dynamics from Basin to Sea in Transboundary Spaces, in order to train professionals on participatory environmental management and the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services provided by water resources and in order to influence the resolution of problems that generate socio-economic conflict at the local, national and regional level. ECLAC participated, through its Water and Energy Unit of the Natural Resources Division, by lecturing two sessions of the "Water Security and Development" module during October 2021.

In the first session, ECLAC gave the session "The Nexus approach between water, energy and food in Latin America and the Caribbean". The first presentation was held by the Unit's economic affairs officer, Silvia Saravia Matus, who introduced the Nexus approach between water, energy and food in Latin America and the Caribbean. Next, the consultant of the Unit, Lisbeth Naranjo, presented in detail the methodological guide for the design of actions with a focus on the Nexus between water, energy and food for Latin American and Caribbean countries, developed during 2020 by ECLAC and of which she is the primary author. Finally, Alba Llavona, also a consultant of the Water and Energy Unit, exemplified the application of the guide with a practical case study of evaluation of the National Basin Plan of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

In the second session, ECLAC presented the lecture entitled "Towards a sustainable and inclusive water transition in Latin America and the Caribbean". First, the head of the Water and Energy Unit, Rayen Quiroga Martínez, presented the regional water resources problems and proposed solutions by ECLAC. These include the promotion of a water transition to guarantee the human right to drinking water, the elimination of negative externalities associated with management (such as pollution and overexploitation) and the shift from linear water management to a circular one. Thereafter, the presentation by Silvia Saravia Matus was devoted to social rates and subsidies in the provision of drinking water and sanitation services as an instrument to achieve human rights to drinking water and sanitation.

More than 30 students participated in the lessons, mainly public officials or agencies linked to water, environment, agriculture, among others, principally with technical positions from Central American countries and Mexico, who participated actively through tasks and spaces of virtual conversation during the session.

The presentation of the 12th of October (in Spanish): Enfoque del Nexo entre agua, energía y alimentación en América Latina y el Caribe

The presentation of the 19th of October (in Spanish): Hacia una transición hídrica sostenible e inclusiva en América Latina y el Caribe