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Thirteenth meeting of the Regional Council for Planning of ILPES

27 June 2007|Event

In Brasilia, Brazil two Intergovernmental Forums of the ILPES were realized, the CONFERENCE OF THE SECRETARIES AND CHIEFS OF PLANNING OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN who was established by the Governments Members for the exchange of experiences and of investigations on planning and management of the public policies and who carries out every four years and the REGIONAL ADVICE OF PLANNING that is the intergovernmental forum of orientation of the activities of the Institute. His ordinary meetings are every four years and Members are integrated by the Secretaries or Chiefs of Planning of 40 Governments. His resolutions are ratified in the periods of CEPAL's meetings.

For the Conference of The Secretaries, the ILPES prepared the substantive document Economy and territory in Latin America and the Carib: desigualdades and policies like central topic of work.


• President of the Regional Council for Planning (Peru)
• ILPES Director, Juan Carlos Ramírez
• Representative of the Government of Brazil

15:30 hrs. ILPES: Report on activities
• Presentation (15’)
• Debate (30’) 16:15 hrs. ILPES: Overview of the Work Programme (2007-2010)
• Presentation (15’)
• Debate (30’)

17:00 hrs. Coffee Break

17:30 hrs. Financial Report ILPES (2006-2007)
• Presentation (15’)
• Debate (30’)

18:00 hrs. Election of new authorities of the Regional Council for Planning 2007-2010 period

18:30 hrs. Resolutions of the XIII Regional Council for Planning