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Regional workshop: "Databases to identify and characterize exporting SMEs"

6 December 2013|Event

The objetives of the seminar were as follows: a) To present experiences microdata crossing customs with other data sources (such as domestic tax, social security, census, directories and surveys) in some countries in the region to improve the classification by size and exporting deepen characterization of exporting SMEs; b) Meet the databases in some countries in the region that could be used to explore their potential.


09:00   Opening

  • Osvaldo Rosales, Director, Division of International Trade and Integration, CEPAL.

09:10   Experience in analyzing database of exporters

  • José E. Durán Lima. Economic Affairs Officer, Division of International Trade and Integration, ECLAC.

09:30   Experience in Argentina

  • A. Sofía Rojo (CEPAL).

09:50   Experience in Chile

  • Roberto Urmeneta (CEPAL).

10:10   Experience in Costa Rica

  • Carlo Calderón (PROCOMER).

10:30   Debate

11:15   The experience of E. P. of Bolivia

  • Grover Nelson Lacoa Estrada (PROMUEVE BOLIVAI).

11:35   Experience in Ecuador

  • Andrea Ordoñez (PROECUADOR).

11:55   Experience in El Salvador

  • Juan Carlos López (PROESA).

12:15   Experience in Nicaragua

  • Luz Marina Arana (CEI).

12:35   Experience in Peru

  • Santos de los Reyes Maza y Silupú (PROMPERU).

12:55   Experience of R. B. of Venezuela

  • Yvan Chataing y Mayrim Salya (BANCOEX)

13:45   Conclusions and closing