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First meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC

9 May 2001|Event

Wednesday 9 May 2001

08:30 - 09:00 Registration of participants.

09:00 - 09:30 Meeting of Heads of Delegation.

09:30 - 09:45 Opening session. Statement by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC .

1. Election of officers.

2. Adoption of the agenda and consideration of organizational matters.
Working document: LC/L.1471(CEA.2001/1) and LC/L.1472(CEA.2001/2)

3. Background information on the establishment of the Statistical Conference of the Americas.
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1475(CEA.2001/5)

4. Report on the Programme of International Statistical Work for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1999- 2000.
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1473(CEA.2001/3)

5. Presentation of a proposed programme of international statistical work for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2001-2002.
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA.2001/4)

5a Presentation on subprogramme 1: Adaptation and production of basic statistics within the framework of a regional strategy for the implementation of the System
of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA).
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA.2001/4), paragraphs 18-49

5a i Classifications and nomenclatures.
Presentation by Mexico.
Reference documents: DDR/5 and DDR/27

12:30 – 14:30 Lunch Afternoon

2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

5a ii 5a ii.- Services statistics
Secretariat presentation.
Reference document: DDR/4

5a iii
5 a iii.- Directories of firms and other establishments.
Presentation by Spain.
Reference documents: DDR/7, DDR/8 and DDR/26

5a iv 5 a iv.- Construction statistics.
Presentation by Colombia.
Reference document: DDR/20

5b 5b.- Presentation on subprogramme 2: Environmental statistics and statistics on science, technology and innovation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA.2001/4), paragraphs 50-62
Reference document: DDR/3

Thursday 10 May 2001

Morning 9:00 - 12:30 5c Presentation on subprogramme 3: Statistics and indicators on social variables and well-being.
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA.2001/4), paragraphs 63-95

5c i Population and housing censuses, 2000 round.
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA.2001/4), paragraphs 86-88

5c ii Programme for the Improvement of Surveys and the Measurement of Living Conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean (MECOVI).
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA.2001/4), paragraphs 63-85
Reference document: DDR/6

5d Presentation on subprogramme 4: Dissemination of statistical information.
Secretariat presentation.
Working document: LC/L.1474(CEA 2001/4), paragraphs 95-102

New United Nations Web sites.
Presentation by UNSD.
Reference document: DDR/31

5d i Portal of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA).
Secretariat presentation.

5e Partnerships in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century.
Presentation by Paris 21.
Reference document:DDR/10

12:30 - 14:30 Lunch Afternoon

2:30 - 5:30 p.m. 6. Main subject: Challenges and trends in the modernization of statistical systems

6a Institutional organization
Chair: Colombia Introduction: Bolivia and Spain
Reference documents: DDR/9, DDR/11, DDR/16, DDR/22, DDR/23, DDR/25 and DDR/30

6b Modern management of national statistical offices
Chair: Guatemala Introduction: Bolivia Reference documents: DDR/13 and DDR/17

Friday 11 May 2001

Morning 9:00 - 12:30

6c Modernization of structures and methodologies 4 Chair: Chile Introduction: Argentina
Reference documents: DDR/24 and DDR/29

6d Dissemination and marketing policies
Chair: Mexico
Confidentiality: Brazil
Chair: Colombia
Marketing versus dissemination: Uruguay
Electronic data dissemination: United States
Reference documents: DDR/14, DDR/15, DDR/17, DDR/18, DDR/19, DDR/21 and DDR/28

12:30 – 15:30 Lunch Afternoon

3:30 - 5:30 p.m. 7. Election of the Executive Committee of the SCA for the 2001-2003 term.

8.Other matters

9. Determination of the dates and venues for the second meeting of the Conference and the meetings of its Executive Committee.
Working document: LC/L.1475(CEA.2001/5)

9. Report of the Rapporteur

Practical information

Download Preliminary programme.

​Estadísticas e indicadores de ciencia, tecnología e innovación en América Latina y el Caribe. José Luis Cervera.  (Only Spanish)


MECOVI: Informe de actividades; Enero 1997 - Diciembre 2000.
BID, Banco Mundial, CEPAL. Santiago de Chile, 17 marzo, 2001. (Programa para el Mejoramiento de las Encuestas y la Medición de Condiciones de Vida en América Latina y el Caribe).

El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América ha proporcionado los siguientes documentos para consulta:

Beyond Poverty, Extended Measures of Well-Being: 1992.
SHORT, Kathleen; SHEA, Martina . U.S. Bureau of the Census. Issued November 1995. (Current Population Reports- Household Economic Studies, P70-50RV).

Dynamics of Economic Well-Being: Poverty, 1992-1993 Who Stays Poor? Who Doesn’t?
ELLER, T. J. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Issued June 1996. (Current Population Reports - Household Economic Studies, P70-55)

Experimental Poverty Measures: 1990 to 1997.
SHORT, Kathleen; GARNER, Thesia; JOHNSON, David; DOYLE, Patricia. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1999. (Current Population Reports, P60-205)

Money Income in the United States:1999.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Government Printing Office,Washington, DC, 2000. (Current Population Reports, P60-209)

Measuring 50 Years of Economic Change - Using the March Current Population Survey U.S.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1998. (Current Population Reports, P60-203)

Poverty in the United States: 1999.
DALAKER, Joseph; PROCTOR, Bernadette D. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2000. (Current Population Reports, P60-210)

Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency: Second Edition. HTML: 
MARTIN, Margaret E.; STRAF, Miron L.; CITRO, Constance F., Editors. Committee on National Statistics, National Research Council. 72 pages, 2001.

Science and Engineering Indicators - 2000.
National Science Board. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 2000 (NSB-00-1)

The Changing Shape of the Nation's Income Distribution1947 - 1998.
Household Economic Studies. Issued June 2000. (Current Population Reports, P60-204)