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First Meeting of the Negotiating Committee of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean (Principle 10)

5 May 2015|Event

Tuesday, 5 May

8.30 – 9.30 a.m. Registration of participants

9.30 – 10 a.m. Opening ceremony

10 – 10.15 a.m. Adoption of the provisional agenda

10.15 – 11.30 a.m. Adoption of the Work Plan of the Negotiating Committee

Presentation of the draft work plan prepared by the Presiding Officers

11.30 – 11.45 a.m. Coffee break

11.45 a.m. – 1 p.m. Presentation of the preliminary document of the regional agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)11.30 a 11.45 horas Café

Presentation of preliminary document of the regional agreement by ECLAC

Interventions from the experts:

  • Winston Anderson, Judge of the Caribbean Court of Justice
  • Silvia Cappelli, Promoter of Justice from the South of Brazil and Coordinator of the Latin American Network of Public Prosecutors for the Environment
  • Marcos Orellana, professor of the American University

1 – 3 p.m. Lunch break

3 – 4.30 p.m. General thoughts on the preliminary document of the regional agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean

Interventions of the signatory countries of the Declaration on the application of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (5 minutes per country)

Other countries


4.30 – 5 p.m. Coffee break

Video shown by the Access Iniciative

5 – 6.30 p.m. General thoughts on the preliminary document of the regional agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (continued)

6.30 p.m. Cocktail


Wednesday, 6 May

9.30 – 11 a.m. Preamble, objective, definitions, principles, scope of application and general obligations

11 – 11.30 a.m. Coffee break

11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Access to environmental information

1 – 2.30 p.m. Lunch break

2.30 – 4 p.m. Public participation in environmental decision-making

4 – 4.30 p.m. Coffee break

4.30 – 6 p.m. Access to justice in environmental matters

6.15 p.m. Meeting adjourns for the day


Thursday, 7 May

9.30 – 11 a.m. Capacity-building and cooperation

11 – 11.30 a.m. Coffee break

11.30 – 1 p.m. Resources, implementation and evaluation, rules of procedure and institutional framework

1 – 2.30 p.m. Lunch break

2.30 – 3 p.m. Adoption of agreements

3.30 – 4 p.m. Closing ceremony