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Workshop "Use of the Subregional Andean and South American Input-Output Tables for the analysis of Value Chains"

26-28 Mar 2019 | Workshop


Idioma del curso Spanish
Face-to-face course

José Durán

José Durán


The Workshop "Use of the Andean Subregional MIP and the MIP of South America for the analysis of Value Chains" will take place in the city of Bogotá from March 26th to 28th.

This workshop, which will be taught by economists from the International Trade and Integration Division of ECLAC, is sponsored by the Andean Community and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia (MINCIT). Officials from different areas of MINCIT, the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), and the National Planning Department (DNP) will participate in the training, as well as delegates from other countries of the Andean Community and the Pacific Alliance.

Among the external institutions that have confirmed participants are: The General Directorate of International Economic Relations of Chile (DIRECON), the Ministry of Economy of Mexico, the Central Bank of El Salvador, as well as officials of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN), the Secretariat of Central American Economic Integration (SIECA), and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR).

The core component of the workshop will be the use of input-output techniques and the development of indicators for the analysis of national, regional and global value chains. The participants will carry out practical exercises based on the input-output tables produced for the Andean and South American sub-regions.


See the attached agenda.