Events List

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Showing 1 to 20 of 223 results in 12 pages.
19 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
12 December 2019 | Other events
The event discusses how the Escazú Agreement on Access to Information, Participation and Justice in environmental matters in LAC supports the implementation of the Paris Agreement and ensures that climates policies are shaped by and in benefit for those that are most affected by climate change.
11 December 2019 | Other events
InforMEA, platform of the Secretariats of all United Nations Multilateral Environmental Agreements, will have a stand at the official exhibit zone of UNFCCC COP25 on 11 and 12 December 2019. The stand will highlight the Escazú Agreement and the online course "Introductory course on SDG 16 and...
11 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Participantes del Taller regional sobre la implementación del estándar SDMX  para la difusión e intercambio de indicadores ODS
10 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Organizado conjuntamente entre la CEPAL y la Oficina Nacional de Estadística de República Dominicana, con la colaboración de la División de Estadística de Naciones Unidas.
10 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
9 December 2019 | Other events
ONU UN Side event on SDG 16, led by OHCHR and UNICEF with the support of ECLAC, UN Environment, ILO, UN Women and CBD.
9 December 2019 | Other events
During the session, the book "Climate change and human rights: contributions by and for Latin America and the Caribbean" will be launched. This is a joint publication by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Office of the United Nations High...
Estadísticas, indicadores y cuentas ambientales
9 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Secretaría de Gestión Integral de Riesgos y Protección Civil (SGIRPC) y División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL
6 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El evento se lleva a cabo en el marco de la COP25 y tiene por objetivo promover un diálogo sobre producción y uso de indicadores de cambio climático, enfocándose en ocurrencia, mitigación, impactos, y adaptación, incluido a los desastres.
4 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Organized jointly by the ECLAC in its capacity as Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the ICP and the CARICOM Secretariat.
3 December 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Organized jointly by ECLAC and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat Regional Statistics with the collaboration of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).
2 December 2019 | Other events
