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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 81 to 100 of 450 results in 23 pages.
Publication cover
December 2005 |
Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Jouravlev, Andrei

CONTENTS I.Calexico joins fight against canal project.II. NAFTA and Canadian Water.III.Water Dependencies and Interstate Behaviour: The Basis for...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Oliveira, José Carlos de

Este estudo contém uma análise dos resultados fiscais obtidos pela União, Estados e Municípios, elaborada com base nas regras fiscais adotadas no...

Publication cover
December 2005 |

It has now been five years since the landmark United Nations Millennium Declaration
and related Development Goals (MDGs), wad adopted by...

Publication cover
December 2005 |

This issue of the Gender Dialogue focuses on two programmatic areas of
ECLAC’s work over recent years, namely (i) integrating gender into...

Publication cover
December 2005

This month's issue of the FAL Bulletin takes a panoramic view of the present World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations, soon to...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Rodrik, Dani

This article begins by showing that not all developing countries
concentrate their exports in products which make intensive use of natural...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Maloney, William F.
  • Perry, Guillermo

Innovation has emerged as a central theme on the growth agenda of
Latin America. This paper examines four issues. First, how can we know...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Agosin, Manuel R.
  • Barreix, Alberto
  • Machado, Roberto
  • Gómez Sabaini, Juan Carlos

Tax revenue in Central American countries accounts for just 13.5%
of their gross domestic product; and the resultant resource shortage means...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Paunovic, Igor

An analysis of public debt indicators in eight northern countries of
Latin America reveals that Nicaragua and Honduras are the most

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Bisang, Roberto
  • Gutman, Graciela E.

Within the context of the evolution of world markets and new
models of trade openness, several agrofood product lines in MERCOSUR

Publication cover
December 2005 |
  • Mendonça, Helder Ferreira de

This paper builds on earlier studies of central bank independence
(CBI);, making a comparison of the rankings of central banks for 15...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Servicios de Información

Disminuye el número de pobres en América Latina desde 2003 Con gran éxito cerró primer ciclo del concurso Experiencias en innovación social...

Publication cover
November 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

Bajo la supervisión de la CEPAL (a través de su punto focal para la evaluación de desastres en la Sede Subregional en México) y con el apoyo...

Publication cover
November 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

Bajo la supervisión de la CEPAL (a través de su punto focal para la evaluación de desastres en la Sede Subregional en México) y con el apoyo...

Publication cover
November 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
Publication cover
November 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Technology transfer can be defined as a broad set of processes covering the flows of know-how, experience and equipment for mitigating and...

Publication cover
November 2005 |

Resumen Este libro fue preparado en el marco del proyecto Natural Resource Cluster Development Strategies (GER/99/128)", que llevan a cabo la...