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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 8041 to 8060 of 9728 results in 487 pages.
Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Franco, Rolando
  • Sáinz, Pedro

Terminada la década de los noventa, el bajo crecimiento económico,
su vulnerabilidad ante la inestabilidad financiera internacional

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Souza, Paulo Renato

Este artículo analiza las políticas de educación del sexenio
1995-2000 en el Brasil. Tras señalar la necesidad de preparar

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Arellano, José Pablo

Este artículo analiza las reformas puestas en práctica a mediados
de los años noventa para activar un proceso de cambios
profundos en...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Hicks, Norman
  • Wodon, Quentin

Confrontados con perturbaciones macroeconómicas recurrentes,
los gobiernos de América Latina y el Caribe se han preocupado
cada vez...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Hopenhayn, Martín

Este artículo postula que la realización de derechos económicos,
sociales y culturales permite avanzar hacia una mayor
igualdad de...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Ros, Jaime

En este artículo se analizan las relaciones entre el patrón de
especialización internacional y el crecimiento. Para ello se
utiliza el...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Valtonen, Kathleen

Los niveles nacionales de desempleo en Trinidad y Tabago
han permanecido altos desde los años ochenta, debido a la
recesión económica...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Rodrik, Dani

The view that pervasive economic insecurity threatens political support for the ongoing market-oriented reforms has become one of the most common...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Agosin, Manuel R.

The severe international financial crises which rocked the Latin American economies in the 1980s and 1990s suggest that the international...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Franco, Rolando
  • Sáinz, Pedro

Now that the 1990s have ended and a new millennium is dawning, the low rate of economic growth, the region's vulnerability to international...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Souza, Paulo Renato

This article analyses the education policies applied in Brazil in the six-year period from 1995 through 2000. After noting the need to prepare...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Arellano, José Pablo

This article analyses the reforms put into effect in the mid-1990s with the aim of setting in motion a process of profound changes in pre-school,...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Hicks, Norman
  • Wodon, Quentin

Confronted with recurrent macroeconomic shocks, governments in Latin America and the Caribbean have increasingly been concerned about establishing...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Hopenhayn, Martín

This article holds that ensuring the full sway of economic, social and cultural rights makes it possible to advance towards greater equality of...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Ros, Jaime

This article analyses the relations between the international specialization pattern and growth. For this purpose, it adopts as its analytical...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Valtonen, Kathleen

National levels of unemployment in Trinidad and Tobago have remained consistently high since the 1980s, because of the economic recession,...

Publication cover
April 2001
Publication cover
April 2001

More free time and disposable income not only in developed but also in emerging countries have generated a demand that shipping lines have...

Publication cover
March 2001 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington