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18 June 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented a new book today that exhaustively reviews the effects of climate change in the region and the policies addressing it.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
2 March 2020 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary spoke at a CAF seminar on the challenges of growth in Latin America.
foto del evento
12 de October de 2018 | News
El Director de la División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos de la Comisión, Joseluis Samaniego, presentó durante el evento la iniciativa regional “Precio social del carbono”, que busca incentivar la incorporación de criterios de sostenibilidad en las evaluaciones de los proyectos de inversión pública en sectores clave como infraestructura, energía y transporte.
29 May 2018 | Press Release
During a visit to Paris, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean and in the OECD Forum 2018, among other events.
Grupo de trabajo para el lanzamiento de los resultados del proyecto ECOSUD/Brasil realizada en las instalaciones de la ANEEL, en Brasil
16 March 2018 | News
Representatives gathered in Brazil took the first steps toward creating a Regional Technical Forum of Energy Planners.
GIZ final assessment workshop
8 September 2016 | News
ECLAC and GIZ convene meeting to assess the impact of the project entitled “Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean: Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the Caribbean through the Promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE) and the Use of Renewable Energy (RE) Technologies”.
19 July 2016 | News
In the wake of the 2008 – 2011 financial crisis, and recognizing that its dependency on fossil energy increased its vulnerability to supply and price fluctuations, Dominica decided to pursue sustainable energy strategies that support the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives.
16 May 2016 | News
High level decision makers make ready to seize the many opportunities to be gained through initiatives in renewable energy technologies in the Caribbean, as ECLAC convenes a Regional Policy Dialogue and Training Workshop, with the support of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ).
14 March 2016 | News
ECLAC offers technical insight on energy efficiency and renewable energy, with a view to enhancing Saint Lucia’s capacity to create improved financing products in order to attract investment that will encourage the development of the energy sector in the country.
4 de February de 2016 | News
Participaron más de 40 representantes de los sectores público y privado.
18 August 2015 | Press Release
The MIT Sloan School of Management and ECLAC hold a seminar on the future of energy in Santiago, Chile.
Photo of a coal plant
13 August 2015 | Announcement
The event will be held August 18-19 at the headquarters of the regional United Nations organization in Santiago, Chile.
17 de June de 2015 | News
Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL expuso en diálogo sobre energía limpia y comercio realizado en Santiago, Chile.
5 June 2015 | Statement
"Many of the Earth’s ecosystems are nearing critical tipping points. It is time for us to change", United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
16 de April de 2015 | News
Expertos de la CEPAL participan en taller en Río de Janeiro en donde se discuten tecnologías innovadoras y sostenibles.
24 February 2015 | Press Release
The three institutions will support goals established in the framework of the initiative launched in 2011 by the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, Alicia Bárcena, durante la firma de un memorándum de entendimiento con el Ministro Coordinador de Sectores Estratégicos de Ecuador, Rafael Poveda.
19 de January de 2015 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo regional de Naciones Unidas, Alicia Bárcena, firmó hoy un memorándum de entendimiento con el Ministro Coordinador de Sectores Estratégicos, Rafael Poveda.
15 October 2014 | Press Release
Government officials and representatives from international organizations participated in the launch of the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All Americas.
22 September 2014 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, said in a statement that the economic costs of climate change could total between 1.5 % and 5 % of the annual GDP of Latin America and the Caribbean, in the case that the temperature rises an additional 2.5 °C.
29 de October de 2012 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL