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Showing 1 to 20 of 215 results in 11 pages.
Banner Fortieth Session of ECLAC
30 August 2024 | Announcement
This UN regional commission’s most important biennial meeting will take place in the capital, Lima, and will bring together representatives of ECLAC’s 46 Member States and its 14 associate members.
12 July 2024 | Speech
Remarks by José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, at the side-event of the United Nations' High-Level Political Forum 2024.
foto de los participantes en el conversatorio
27 June 2024 | News
Today marked the end of the Fourth Regional Seminar on Social Development organized by ECLAC, in which authorities and specialists analyzed the links between social protection and inequality.
25 April 2024 | Announcement
This high-level seminar – organized by ECLAC and the ILO – will feature the presence of Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations; Alberto van Klaveren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile; Paula Narváez, President of ECOSOC; and the Director-Generals of DESA, UNDP, UN Women, FAO and WHO, as well as of Juan Somavia, Chair of the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit for Social Development (1995).
22 March 2024 | Press Release
A high-level dialogue on inclusive social development policies was inaugurated by ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, and senior officials from Costa Rica, Chile and Honduras.
Foto de participantes en el evento
22 de March de 2024 | News
Autoridades de la región y especialistas participaron en evento organizado por la CEPAL y la Cooperación Alemana.
4 March 2024 | Press Release
The United Nations regional economic commission and the Government of Guatemala align efforts to quicken the pace in moving towards more productive, inclusive and sustainable development in the Central American country.
21 de February de 2024 | Press Release
Las autoridades, reunidas en Chile en la Ministerial de Educación Santiago 2024 a fines de enero, acordaron trabajar para recuperar lo perdido durante la pandemia y transformar los sistemas educativos. Subrayaron la importancia de un financiamiento sostenible, políticas innovadoras y estrategias inclusivas y resilientes para pasar del compromiso a la acción.
25 January 2024 | Press Release
The meeting, organized by the Ministry of Education of Chile (MINEDUC) and UNESCO, with the support of ECLAC, CAF, UNICEF and the World Bank, addresses the challenge of educational reactivation, the transformation of teaching, and financing. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to have public policies to guarantee the right to education for 125 million students in the region.
Banner Ministerial Education ENG
18 January 2024 | Announcement
The meeting is convened by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education of Chile. It is co-organised with the CAF BANK, the World Bank, ECLAC and UNICEF.
23 November 2023 | Press Release
Despite this improvement in the indicators, more than 180 million people in the region do not have enough income to meet their basic needs and 70 million of them lack the income needed to acquire a basic food basket, the Commission warns in its report Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2023.
16 November 2023 | Announcement
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, will give a press conference on Thursday, November 23 from Santiago, Chile.
5 October 2023 | Press Release
Today marked the conclusion of the Fifth Session of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean and the XV Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by ECLAC, the Government of Chile and the UNDP.
portada documento
4 October 2023 | News
The publication was presented at the Fifth Session of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is taking place in Santiago, Chile.
3 October 2023 | Press Release
The Fifth Session of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean – organized by ECLAC, the Government of Chile and the UNDP – was inaugurated today in Santiago, Chile.
29 de September de 2023 | Press Release
Nueva edición de la publicación destaca trabajos académicos sobre la urgencia de un acuerdo social de largo plazo en la región para lograr un crecimiento económico equitativo y con mayor inclusión social, los efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el mercado laboral, y la relación de las evaluaciones de los alumnos con la productividad de la investigación universitaria, entre otros temas.
29 de September de 2023 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 140, agosto de 2023. Autores: Santiago Poy y Ramiro Robles.
29 September 2023 | News
All the event’s panels will be transmitted live on October 3-5, 2023.
28 September 2023 | Announcement
The Fifth Session of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean – organized by ECLAC, the Government of Chile and the UNDP – will be centered on strengthening the social institutional framework in the region.
24 November 2022 | Press Release
The Social Panorama 2022 report projects that 201 million people (32.1% of the region’s total population) live in situations of poverty, with 82 million (13.1%) of them in extreme poverty. The regional organization calls for urgently addressing the silent crisis in education to avert the risk of a lost generation.
