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8 January 2015 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, is taking part in the first China-CELAC Forum in Beijing.
16 de December de 2014 | News
Antonio Prado destacó que distintos indicadores socioeconómicos dan cuenta de la resiliencia económica y social que la región ha demostrado en los últimos años.
11 December 2014 | News
During a side event of the COP 20 being held in Lima, ECLAC stated that there is a great deal of room for a positive business agenda in the face of climate change.
11 December 2014 | Infographic
Latin America and the Caribbean is already suffering the effects of global warming. To make a product, export it, consume it and manage (or not) its waste generates greenhouse gases (GHG) that are measured by the so-called “carbon footprint.” Reducing this footprint can be an opportunity to make the region’s exports more competitive, especially food exports.
5 December 2014 | News
A new study by ECLAC indicates that these areas provided direct employment to 13,000 people and generated 1.7% of the country’s GDP in 2010.
Foto de dólares
2 December 2014 | News
Study presents the results of an analysis done by ECLAC of 111 programs of development finance institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
2 December 2014 | News
ECLAC Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena launches the flagship report “Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2014”.
24 November 2014 | Press Release
A greater convergence between both blocs would encourage structural change in favor of equality, according to ECLAC.
24 November 2014 | Infographic
Intra-regional trade in Latin America and the Caribbean remains at low levels: Only a fifth (19.2%) of exports are destined for other countries in the region. Furthermore, commodities deliveries continue to account for a large portion of the export basket. ECLAC thus proposes the creation of regional value chains to widen demand, foster intra-regional trade and diversify production.
9 October 2014 | Press Release
The global economy’s slow recovery and a decline in intraregional trade explain the poor performance, according to a new ECLAC report.
2 October 2014 | Press Release
The organization's Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will launch the annual report Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy on Thursday, October 9, at 11 a.m., in a press conference.
2 September 2014 | Press Release
Increasing cooperation and dialogue between both sides is key to building a fairer economic and social order for developing countries, they indicated.
2 de September de 2014 | Speech
Palabras de bienvenida de Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL.
5 de August de 2014 | Speech
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
1 de July de 2014 | Op-ed
Columna de opinión de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL (julio 2014).
car factory
2 June 2014 | Announcement
During a two-day seminar, participants will discuss the regional situation in terms of foreign direct investment, regional integration and global value chains.
alimentos orgánicos
2 December 2013 | News
A report prepared by ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. provides an overview of the current regulatory framework of the U.S. organic food market.
Hombre sosteniendo una pieza de metal
2 December 2013 | News
Document highlights the need to counteract the current shortcomings in bilateral trade.
27 de November de 2013 | Press Release
Ex Presidentes de Brasil y de Chile participan en Santiago en encuentro organizado por la CEPAL, BID, CAF-banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Instituto Lula.