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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 results in 1 pages.
1 July 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
3 July 2024 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
3 - 4 july 2024
8 July 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
15 July 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
27 August 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Este es un evento paralelo de la vigesimotercera reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la CEA-CEPAL. El objetivo del seminario es compartir innovaciones de la ronda 2020 de censos y lecciones aprendidas desde la perspectiva de directores de oficinas nacionales de estadística. Busca contribuir a la...
28 August 2024 | Commitees
This twenty-third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas will be held from 28 to 29 August 2024, at the headquarters of ECLAC in Santiago, Chile.
10 September 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The annual Seminar on national accounts for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024 is held in hybrid format (in-person and virtual) on 10 and 11 September 2024, at ECLAC headquarters.
7 October 2024 | Commitees