Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society Will Be Held in Montevideo

The Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is being organized by ECLAC and the Government of Uruguay, is being held from 3 to 5 April 2013 in Montevideo, and will be attended by officials, experts and business sector representatives from the region. ECLAC will present the document Digital Economy for Structural Change and Equality.

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The Region’s Energy Challenges in Terms of Inclusive and Sustainable Development.
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ECLAC Observatory for Imports Identifies Refused Products by the United States.
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ECLAC Supports Planning Policies in Argentina
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A New Perspective on the Trade in Goods and Services in Central America
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ECLAC's Most Recent Documents and Reports.

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Important Events Up to May 2013.
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Number of Female Judges in the Region's Courts Doubles in a Decade

The increase in women within the judiciary goes hand in hand with a similar expansion across the executive and the legislature, as well as in other decision-making spheres, according to data in the latest report from the Gender Equality Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Photo: Federico Vélez/EFE
money Rises in Commodity Prices, VAT and Income Tax Increase the Tax Burden of the Region's Countries
According to a recent ECLAC publication, between 2000 and 2011 the average tax burden of Latin American and Caribbean countries as a proportion of GDP grew by between 3 and 4 percentage points, which promoted an increase in fiscal revenue.
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CEA CEPAL Latin American Authorities and Experts Will Analyse Poverty Measurement and Short-Term Economic Indicators
The 12th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA) of ECLAC will be held from 24 to 26 April 2013 in Pucón, southern Chile. The meeting will be attended by statistical authorities and experts from throughout the region.
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youth Improved Education and Employment for Young People Are Key for Taking Advantage of the Demographic Dividend
Most Ibero-American countries are currently in a strong position for economic growth, thanks to the higher proportion of working-age people. However, this window could close without immediate investment in improving the educational and labour conditions of young people.
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