ECLAC Supports Planning Policies in Argentina

Photo: Cézaro De Luca/EFE

Signing an agreement, producing a book and organizing a seminar are some of ECLAC's most recent actions to support the design and implementation of planning policies in Argentina.

Through its involvement in formulating the 2020 Strategic Industrial Plan, ECLAC has become an increasingly relevant participant in studying, formulating and implementing planning policies devised by the Argentine Government in recent years.

In this context, the book La industria manufacturera argentina 2003-2010. Reconstruyendo capacidades y desafíos frente al futuro (Argentine Manufacturing Industry 2003-2010 - Rebuilding Capacities and Challenges for the Future) will soon be published to include many of the studies carried out by ECLAC as part of such cooperation.

Along the same lines, ECLAC signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Subsecretariat of Territorial Planning of Public Investment of the Federal Ministry of Planning to generate an information system to analyse in more detail the layout of the country's main production centres, with special emphasis on identifying sectors and territories that warrant tangible State intervention measures in terms of infrastructure policy.

The project title is "Study of economic dynamics and the structure of the preferred model of national territory" and includes a pilot exercise in some areas of the Local Economic Area used by ECLAC in previous studies.

This type of initiative is aimed at restoring the role of the State and its active involvement in economic and social processes in Argentina. Another measure that is part of the same approach is the Seminar on the planning situation and practices in Argentina, which is being jointly organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires and ECLAC. At the Seminar, various bodies of the executive (ministries of industry, agriculture, science, technology and so forth) will present their recent experiences and describe the greatest challenges in terms of planning. The Seminar will be held in late May and will also involve the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) of ECLAC.


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  Through its involvement in formulating the 2020 Strategic Industrial Plan, ECLAC has become an increasingly relevant participant in studying, formulating and implementing planning policies devised by the Argentine Government in recent years.
  The Seminar on the planning situation and practices in Argentina is being jointly organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires and ECLAC.