repdo Dominican Republic: Strategic guidelines for agribusiness competitiveness, 2011-2030
(February 2012, Spanish only)

Authors: Osmar C. Benítez, Jaquín Díaz Ortega, Soraya Rib and Braulio Serna

This publication, edited by ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico, highlights the Dominican Republic's potential for developing productive agricultural and agro-industrial chains by 2030, with higher added value and greater international competitiveness, and the possibility of integrating them into global and domestic markets and tourist demand.

pisa The education system's contribution to bridging the digital gap. A perspective from PISA
(December 2011, Spanish only)

Authors: Magdalena Claro, Andrés Espejo, Ignacio Jara and Daniela Trucco

In this document, the authors discuss the role which secondary education schooling systems are playing regarding Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The data on access and use of ICTs by students aged 15 years old used in this publication was gathered by the PISA study between 2000-2009.

competitividad Competitiveness, sustainability and social inclusion in agriculture: New directions for policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean
(December 2011, Spanish only)

Authors: Octavio Sotomayor, Adrián Rodríguez and Mônica Rodrigues

This publication examines how to increase regional agricultural competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean, while reducing social inequality and poverty. Likewise, it discusses how this development process of agriculture can be made more sustainable; what the most appropriate institutional schemes are for driving agricultural and rural development; and what is the role of social actors is in the new structures of governance. It aims to explain the main innovations, as well as the wide variety of methods and political approaches for promoting and increasing the agricultural sector's contribution to sustainable and inclusive development of Latin American and Caribbean societies.

notas poblacion Population Notes No. 93
(December 2011, Spanish only)

Author: CELADE – Population Division of ECLAC

This edition of the magazine Population Notes has seven articles about sociodemographic issues, such as adolescents in conflict with the law in Brazil, unmarried motherhood in Latin America, divorce, the situation of Brazilian emigrants who return to their country and the impact on demographic structure and the residential segregation of internal migration in cities in the region.