HOME - ECLAC Notes Nº60
Support for the Network of Corporate Social Responsibility and Decent Work in Argentina
Bernardo Kosacoff, junto a Carlos Felipe Martínez, Coordinador Residente del sistema de las Naciones Unidas en Argentina, y Carlos Tomada, Ministro de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social
Bernardo Kosacoff, Director of ECLAC Office in Buenos Aires,Carlos Felipe Martínez, Permanent Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Argentina and Carlos Tomada, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Argentina.

ECLAC’s office in Buenos Aires is supporting the development of capacity-building of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Decent Work programme of Argentina’s Labour Ministry.

This programme aims to disseminate good practices, manage the documentation of the Youth with Future programme, develop a training programme for suppliers, implement an observatory of CSR and Decent Work, and draw lessons in the area of public-private partnerships.

This work resulted in the publication CSR and Decent Work. Context, challenges and opportunities, presented by the Argentinean Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Carlos Tomada, and the director of ECLAC in Argentina, Bernardo Kosacoff, during the 35th International Book Fair of Buenos Aires held a few weeks ago.

Under the current context of global economic crisis, companies should strive to maintain their good practices and be aware that their social responsibility should include a strong commitment to employment and its quality. One hundred of the largest companies in the country have signed on to this project.

The project aims to design and implement a communications strategy that may consolidate the position of this network at a national and international level; create a CSR and Decent Work Observatory to gather, document and generate updated information on experiences, trends and events; and develop and apply technical tools to assess and increase work internships for youths from the most vulnerable social sectors.

Through this, the project also seeks to inform the community about how companies are helping advance the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal number 3 in Argentina (“Promote decent work”).

For more information, see the ECLAC Office in Buenos Aires.
