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ECLAC Project Brings Lessons of Nordic Social Protection Systems Closer to the Region
ECLAC Project Brings Lessons of Nordic Social Protection Systems Closer to the Region

Several countries in the region have benefitted from the project “Inclusion of the European ‘Nordic Model’ in the debate concerning Reform of Social Protection Schemes in Latin America and the Caribbean”.

With funds provided by the Government of Sweden’s international development agency SIDA, over three years, ECLAC organized visits and seminars, provided technical assistance, and prepared documents so that the region could become familiar with and learn from social protection systems in countries such as Sweden, Norway and Finland.

The successful operation and principles of equity and universal coverage of social protection models in Nordic countries were part of the reason why we became interested in conveying this experience, seeking to improve health and pension systems in the region,” said Daniel Titelman, head of the Development Studies Unit at ECLAC and technical responsible for the project.

The project, which takes into account the different realities between both regions, was highly successful. “Many of the principles that guided Nordic social protection systems are now present in the reforms undertaken in our countries. The big challenge is how to advance in attaining these principles, adapting them to our reality,” stated Titelman.

Within the framework of the project, ECLAC provided technical assistance during discussion of health reforms in Uruguay, in the design of strategies to advance in the universalization of health rights in Colombia, and in the analysis of Argentina’s health and pension systems.