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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 61 to 74 of 74 results in 4 pages.
Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Stallings, Barbara
  • Weller, Jürgen

Este artículo analiza las tendencias del mercado de trabajo en
América Latina y el Caribe durante el decenio de l990 y plantea
que el...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Ocampo, José Antonio

The hundredth anniversary of the birth of Raúl Prebisch
is an invaluable opportunity for us to take another look
at the ideas of this...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Gurrieri, Adolfo

Prebisch arrived at ECLA for the first time in 1949, to
write a report in which he set out his views on the main
problems then facing...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Dosman, Edgar

Introduction (first paragraph);
When Raúl Prebisch died in 1986 his ideas were out of fashion in Ronald Reagan's Washington and Latin...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • González, Norberto

In its most orthodox version, neoclassical economic theory has occupied a leading place in Latin American economic policy discussions in recent...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Pérez, Carlota

This article puts forward an interpretation of development as a process of accumulation of technological and social capabilities dependent upon...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Katz, Jorge
  • Stumpo, Giovanni

This article seeks to analyse some mesoeconomic and microeconomic aspects related with productivity and international competitiveness in the...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • La Fuente, Mario
  • Sáinz, Pedro

The influence of economic growth on numerous aspects of the economy and society is a frequently recurring topic among economists, especially at...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Jouravlev, Andrei

CONTENTS I.Water pollution: European Commission versus Portugal.II. Bolivia, Potosí: NGO Protests against Legalization of Water Export....

Publication cover
December 2001

This issue of CEPAL Review includes a special section to commemorate Raúl Prebisch in the centennial of his birthday, containing a selection of...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Izam, Miguel

In terms of its contents, this article is a natural continuation of FAL Bulletin No. 167. In that edition of the Bulletin, conceptual progress was...