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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 21 to 40 of 287 results in 15 pages.
Publication cover
May 2023 |
  • Hernández Rosario, Anna Cristina

This publication analyses the state-of-the-art in international development cooperation, with a focus on South-South and triangular cooperation,...

Publication cover
May 2023 |

The Executive summary of Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2022, accessible format, has four chapters. Chapter I presents the...

Publication cover
April 2023 |
  • Arenas de Mesa, Alberto
  • Mosqueira, Edgardo

The institutional development of ministries of finance determines their capacities to achieve fiscal policy objectives (sustainability) and...

Publication cover
April 2023 |
  • Martínez Franzoni, Juliana
  • Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego

Did the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic embolden ideas favourable to inclusive social policy in Latin America? This article addresses that...

Publication cover
March 2023 |
  • Leon, Daniel
  • Floyd, Shirelle
  • Abdulkadri, Abdullahi

Recognizing the importance of unpaid work is critical to achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, which is Goal 5 of the...

Publication cover
March 2023 |

El presente documento es una contribución de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) a los debates de la XXVIII Cumbre...

Publication cover
March 2023

En este documento se analiza la caracterización de la pobreza energética en el Uruguay, un problema multidimensional —social, económico y cultural...

Publication cover
March 2023 |
  • Santos Gomes, Silvana
  • Silveira, Luciana
  • da Silva Borges, Jaqueline
  • da Silva, Noëlle
  • Basso Pompeu, João Cláudio
  • Ferraz da Fonseca, Igor
  • Lassance, Antonio

Ministries are government structures that are located at the intersection between cycles of public policies, political party relations and the...

Publication cover
February 2023

O livro Governança Orçamentária no Brasil é produto de um amplo projeto de pesquisa iniciado na Diest/Ipea, em 2019.
A pandemia de covid-19...

Publication cover
February 2023 |
  • Atuesta, Bernardo
  • Van Hemelryck, Tamara

This paper addresses the emergency non-contributory social protection measures announced in Latin American and Caribbean countries in 2020 and...

Publication cover
February 2023 |
Publication cover
January 2023

This book presents a comparative analysis of the policy responses of developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean to...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
  • Samper, Mario
  • González, Hernán
  • Martínez, Marco

En este documento se propone y explora la utilidad de una categorización y clasificación no dicotómica de los distritos y cantones del país por...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
  • Díaz de Astarloa, Bernardo

E-commerce fosters innovation and contributes to the process of digital transformation of MSMEs through the implementation of digital technologies...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
  • Cipoletta Tomassian, Georgina
  • Villarreal, Francisco G.
  • Abdo, Tarek

Los bonos de impacto son un innovador mecanismo de financiamiento que busca atraer inversión privada hacia políticas públicas sociales, con...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The economies of the subregion were hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those dependent on tourism. As a result, the Caribbean has...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In this digitally transforming world, digital inclusion is becoming increasingly important to social inclusion and sustainable development....