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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 121 to 140 of 732 results in 37 pages.
Publication cover
March 2021 |
  • Ullmann, Heidi
  • Atuesta, Bernardo
  • Rubio García, Mónica
  • Cecchini, Simone

This study establishes a sociodemographic profile of children with disabilities, the majority of whom are living in poverty, and analyses non-...

Publication cover
March 2021 |

En este número de “Claves de la CEPAL para el Desarrollo”, referido al impacto social de la pandemia por COVID-19 en la región, se presentan los...

Publication cover
March 2021 |

The COVID-19 pandemic is a disaster that combines a biological threat with various vulnerabilities, such as the organizational and response...

Publication cover
March 2021 |

Las canastas básicas de alimentos constituyen un elemento fundamental para la determinación de los umbrales usados en la medición de la pobreza...

Publication cover
March 2021

Los seis capítulos que componen este nuevo volumen de la colección “Páginas Selectas de la CEPAL” contienen una selección de textos destacados en...

Publication cover
March 2021 |

In an increasingly uncertain world, the decade of action for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17...

Publication cover
March 2021 |

The health and socioeconomic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the countries of Latin America hard and laid bare the profound...

Publication cover
February 2021 |

The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on employment and labor conditions for women in Latin America and the...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
January 2021 |

COVID-19 is exposing social inequalities of all kinds in the world and the region, as well as the overrepresentation of Afrodescendants among the...

Publication cover
January 2021 |

Issue No. 2 of the ECLAC Natural Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean Bulletin Analyses the relationship between gender and the region’ s...

Publication cover
January 2021 |

This document examines the situation of persons with disabilities, in terms of the impact that COVID-19 could have, taking into consideration age...

Publication cover
January 2021 |

El número 111 de Notas de Población tiene una particularidad que lo distingue de los números anteriores. La publicación de diciembre de 2020 se...

Publication cover
January 2021 |
  • Mendoza-González, Mauricio Fidel

La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) ha impuesto a cada espacio
geográfico necesidades específicas a la hora de enfrentarla...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Palma, José Gabriel

This article returns to the Ricardian tradition of understanding income distribution as the outcome of an “antagonistic” conflict with a...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • López, Ramón
  • Sturla Zerene, Gino

This article proposes a model to estimate the wealth of the richest groups in society and to design an efficient wealth tax system. For design and...

Publication cover
December 2020

Nota editorial .-- Presentación. Economía global y desarrollo en tiempos de pandemia: los retos para América Latina y el Caribe / Alicia Bárcena y...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Valenzuela, María Elena
  • Scuro Somma, Lucía
  • Vaca-Trigo, Iliana

El trabajo doméstico remunerado ha sido tradicionalmente en América Latina una importante fuente de ocupación para las mujeres, principalmente...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Martínez, Juliana
  • Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego

Este documento aborda el papel de los pactos sociales orientados a garantizar el bienestar de la población en América Latina y el Caribe mediante...

Publication cover
December 2020 |

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the effects of the measures taken by governments to control its rapid spread have affected most of...