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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 181 to 200 of 255 results in 13 pages.
Publication cover
May 2019 |
  • Sampaio, Cyntia
  • Baraldi, Camila

A cidade de São Paulo possui uma longa tradição de acolhida e tem sido historicamente reconhecida por seu multiculturalismo e capacidade de...

Publication cover
May 2019 |
  • Dubrovsky, Hilda
  • Di Sbroiavacca, Nicolás
  • Nadal, Gustavo
  • Contreras Lisperguer, Rubén

Con el fin de apoyar a los países de la región en el logro del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 7 (ODS 7) para 2030, la Comisión Económica para...

Publication cover
May 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The U.S. debt burden became heavier as a result of the unprecedented policy response to the global financial crisis and economic recession, and it...

Publication cover
May 2019 |
  • Di Sbroiavacca, Nicolás
  • Dubrovsky, Hilda
  • Nadal, Gustavo
  • Contreras Lisperguer, Rubén

Con el fin de apoyar a los países de la región en el logro del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 7 (ODS 7) para 2030, la Comisión Económica para...

Publication cover
May 2019 |
Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Lavalleja, Martín
  • Scalese, Federico

En este trabajo se estudia el impacto en la recaudación de la política tributaria de estímulo a la sustitución del parque automotor por vehículos...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Dini, Marco

Los centros de desarrollo empresarial son entidades de apoyo para el fomento de las mipymes. En la última década, dichos centros han recibido un...

Publication cover
April 2019

El proyecto de integración centroamericana empezó en 1951 de la mano de las propuestas intelectuales y el apoyo técnico de la Comisión Económica...

Publication cover
February 2019 |
  • Santos, María Emma

Countries are increasingly interested in having an official multidimensional poverty index (MPI). This is the expression of a growing consensus...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Aguilar-Barceló, José G.
  • Higuera-Cota, Fernanda

Applying data envelopment analysis (DEA) to data from the 2016 Global Innovation Index (GII) (Cornell University/INSEAD/WIPO, 2016), the paper...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo
  • Díaz Pérez, Alvaro

This article reviews the trend of investment in Chile and its relationship with economic growth since the 1973 coup d’état; and it documents how...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Dini, Marco
  • Correa Mautz, Felipe

To what extent are local economic development policies limited to a welfare approach in Chile? The hypothesis pursued in this work is that, taken...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Fernández, Virginia Laura
  • Curado, Marcelo Luiz

This paper uses Fajnzylber and Mandeng’s competitiveness matrix to analyse the evolving structure of Argentine exports between 1985 and 2010. In...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Hanni, Michael
  • Podestá, Andrea

This study examines the underinvoicing of exports of copper concentrates and refined copper cathodes from Chile and Peru. A novel methodology,...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Morales, Leonardo Fabio
  • Medina, Daniel

Labour market flexibility has been a traditional subject of study in labour economics; recent literature has focused on the related concept of...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Mortari, Valéria Silva
  • Oliveira, Maria Aparecida Silva

The aim of this paper is to analyse the extent to which different sectors of Brazilian industry were dependent on imported inputs between 2000 and...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Palacios C., Juan Carlos

This study seeks to explore the external factors that are acting as constraints on the Cuban economy and to identify the main opportunities that...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Pereira, Mariano
  • Tacsir, Ezequiel

This paper analyses the relationship between innovation and job creation in firms. In particular, it seeks out data on the role played by...