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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 41 to 60 of 1954 results in 98 pages.
Publication cover
January 2023 |
  • Floyd, Shirelle
  • Mkrtchyan, Iskuhi
  • Abdulkadri, Abdullahi

This study reviews the level of statistical skills and competencies of staff of National Statistical Offices of the Caribbean as a critical step...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In this digitally transforming world, digital inclusion is becoming increasingly important to social inclusion and sustainable development....

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Cáceres, Rodrigo
  • Dini, Marco

El objetivo principal de este documento es proporcionar elementos que enriquezcan el debate sobre la descentralización de la institucionalidad de...

Publication cover
September 2022 |
  • Molina, Isabel

Household surveys are widely used as a tool for obtaining information on people's socio-economic status and well-being. However, the accuracy...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • De Camino, Claudia
  • López, Giannina
  • Marchant, Patricia
  • Vega, Ana Victoria
  • Zerón, Alfonso

En este documento se presenta la actualización del año referencia de las series de Cuentas Nacionales (CCNN) y se analizan los efectos en las...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In Caribbean small island developing States (SIDS), electrical power outages are frequent in the aftermath of major weather events. While local...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
Publication cover
November 2022 |

This document outlines institutional and methodological recommendations proposes six methodological steps for measuring indicators for the...

Publication cover
October 2022 |
  • Alvaredo, Facundo
  • de Rosa, Mauricio
  • Flores, Ignacio
  • Morgan, Marc

Este documento presenta una revisión de las estadísticas distributivas en la República Dominicana a partir de la combinación de distintas fuentes...

Publication cover
October 2022 |
  • Fuentes, Alvaro

En este documento se presenta una revisión de las estadísticas distributivas en la República Dominicana a partir de la combinación de distintas...

Publication cover
October 2022 |
Publication cover
September 2022 |
  • Vaca-Trigo, Iliana
  • Baron, Camila

In recent years, a number of proposals have highlighted how restrictive it is to use gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of well-being. This...

Publication cover
September 2022 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Many international development agendas highlight the importance of quality data for sustainable development. With the advent of the data...

Publication cover
September 2022 |

Changes of base or reference year in countries’ systems of national accounts are a normal part of statistical work. They are an opportunity to...

Publication cover
September 2022 |
Publication cover
August 2022 |

The Working Group on Statistics on Childhood and Adolescence of the Statistical Conference of the Americas has been working since 2015 to improve...

Publication cover
August 2022 |

Este documento tiene como objetivo mostrar la modalidad de trabajo que ha desarrollado la Secretaría de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa y los...

Publication cover
July 2022 |

El objetivo del presente documento es colaborar con los institutos nacionales de estadística de América Latina y el Caribe en la mejora de los...

Publication cover
July 2022 |

The region is facing the challenge of increasing the harmonization and comparability of measurements of time use and unpaid work. The...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Sosa Escudero, Walter
  • Cornejo, Magdalena

En este documento se discuten y revisan diversas alternativas para realizar pronósticos de pobreza para varios países de América Latina. El punto...